Some Bottomdwellers....


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I have guppies in both my 54 liter and in my 240 liter tanks. In the small tank I also have two otos.
I would like to add some bottom feeders in my aquaria.

In the small tank the gravel is a bit bigger (5mm) but it doesn't have sharp edges. In my larger tank, the gravel is 2-3 mm big.
I am also thinking of adding glass catfish in my bigger tank.

Any suggestions?

I would go for a school of the really small corydoras habrosus in the 54 ltr since you already have algae eaters there, and maybe a bristlenose in the larger tank. Or even a pair of bristlenoses and breed them.
It might be worth adding another 3 Ottos to your smaller tank as they prefer to be in groups of 5+.
As Dwarfgourami suggested, maybe a BN or two in the bigger tank although be prepared for lots of babies if they do breed!
Thx for the replies.

I have been thinking about adding 3 more ottos in my smaller tank, the problem is that now I can't find them anywhere :( I had trouble finding them in the first place - all the shops would sell was CAEs...I would have bought more otos then but they only had three left. I bought three but one died for reasons unknown...

I don't really like breeding going on...Cause then I always have troubles giving away the fishes, no one is interested even tho I give them for free...

I will look at corydoras habrosus, tho I am not sure I will find them here although I did once see pygmy corys in our shop.

Will also look up the other suggested corys for my larger tank - if they are bigger?

I also like plecos but they grow way too big for me...I used to have one but gave it away to public aquarium nearby...

just one more question....What do you think I should add for algae? BN are algae eaters, right? I at first tought I will add 7 otos in my bigger aquarium but now I can't find any oto here... Do you think they could be shipped?
Yes bristlenoses are algea eaters, but I wouldnt get them with corys my bristlenose used to attack mine. I would get a bristlenose and a group of khulie loaches, you might not see them too often but when you do its worth it they are very funny.

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