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    Tank Mate For Cardinal Tetras

    yer i agree with the java moss, and try the shrimp with tetra prima, may sound weird, but its like red bull for my shrimps, they love it.
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    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    i have now put the two females seperately in plastic jars in the breeding tank so the male can see them but not touch them, i dont see why people are being arsey, ive only asked a question, and your saying why am i trying to breed something i know nothing about... but if the fish are fine...
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    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    ok how do you do it then, because my fish seem fine together, they have been in a community tank for 2 months together now. in the breeding tank there is a massive plant and the male cant see the females most of the time, spilz
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    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    hi, i have just moved 1 male and 2 female fighters into a small breeding tank, i have a heating mat underneath to keep it a few degrees over room temp and nothing in the tank but a floating plant it appears the female has started building the nest, is this normal? i thought it was the male. is...
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    Rapheal And Corys?

    i had 2 raphs with 2 albino corys and they were fine, i cant see them ever not gettin on
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    Small Catfish

    hi, any recommendations on which small catfish to get, maximum bn size, although not a bn lol. thanks forgot to mention, to go in my talkin cats tank, cheerz
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    Bloated Raphael

    hi, i have two spotted talking catfish, they have been in a small tank because i have been in the process of setting up another tank that ive put them in today, as you will know, you dont see these fish very often, and when i saw them today, they seem very fat, i presume bloated but they may...
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    Cg In Trouble

    ok nice one, thankyou
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    Cg In Trouble

    hi, i rencently spoke of my newest addition, a chocolate gourami, i went to work to for a 4 hour shift (before i left it was fine), came back to find one of its eyes is swollen and cloudy? what treatment should i get? i dont want people to think i dont look after my fish btw, my water is...
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    Chocolate Gourami

    yer i agree mate, my dad has a massive kissing gourami called george lol. hes the only fish weve ever named, purely because hes such a character, bit of a bully, he used to be mine,but got too big, so now he rules my dads tank.
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    Chocolate Gourami

    hello, yesterday i purchased a small chocolate gourami for £4.50 which had been at my local maidenhead fish store for several weeks and is in perfect health. i put him in my tank and hes settled in very well so far, despite what ive heard about them, my tank is softwater, and very well planted...
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    Maidenhead Aquatics - Bold Heath

    hey mate, thats my best lfs, i love it, spend hours in there. the staff are so friendly and helpful, because not one of them doesnt keep fish themselves. ive bought khuli loaches, BN's, and shrimps from there. this is how friendly they were, i got a 3 1/2 inch BN for £3. the same price as the...
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    Black Stuff

    hi, i have a fairly heavily planted tank, and my sand/gravel turns black and stinks when i clean it out, once overy 2 weeks. i have been told this is due to rotting plant. is there any way of getting rid of this?? other than getting rid of the plants lol.
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    Bn And Shrimp Together?

    yer dont feed it lol i have shrimp and a bn together by the way so i wouldnt worry
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    Figure Of 8 And ..

    hey i am seriously asking too many questions about these little guys, but o wel. i have a 21 gallon tank that im building for 2 figure of 8 puffers, its a well filtered tank. (i find the juwel filters are good) was just wondering if there was anything else i could put in with them, ive heard...
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    21 Gallon Tank, Being Built Up

    cheers mate, how do i know when they will need salt tho lol, it all seems a bit weird to me :unsure:
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    21 Gallon Tank, Being Built Up

    can i just have something cleared up, the woman in the shop told me that figure of 8's dont need salt until mature. she said set the tank up, wait 5-7 days, and put one in, doing 25% water changes every other day until the chemical levels are suitable, then put the other one or two in. is this...
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    My Tanks

    cheers guys, yer the puffer tank is brackish, only been set up for about 24hours tho. both the big tanks are juwel 31"x15"x15" and the little tank is only small, about 10g ill get some close ups of the fish today
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    My Tanks

    my main tank at the mo bg knife golden nugget plec khuli loaches shrimp bristlenose plec 1 big G.A snail my little tank, been running for 4 years, now a temporary tank till i can get somethin better 1 angelfish khuli loaches talking cats a few random tetras and my latest tank, that i set...
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    21 Gallon Tank, Being Built Up

    right'o how do i know how much salt to put in, and are we talking regular salt here? sorry, completely new to brackish
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    21 Gallon Tank, Being Built Up

    hi, ive just bought a juwel 96 21 gallon tank, and am currently building it up, i am going to use silver sand, slightly denser sand, and small pebbles as the substrate, with plenty of rocks with gaps for hiding places (i have a little image in my head as to how it will look)its purely for a...
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    Plecs With Cichlids

    ive bin keepin fish for 3 years lol, i want a puffer tank, i forgot they were brackish tho, so obviously the catfish wont be able to go into the tank with them. building the tank at the minute. its gonna be ace
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    Plecs With Cichlids

    30"x15"x15" 21 gallon was thinking clown plec / bristlenose whilst im here aswell, ive just bought another tank, 30 gallons. i have 2 small talkin catfish, they never come out, i was planning on putting some figure of 8 puffers in my new tank, would it be ok to put the talking catfish in with...
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    Plecs With Cichlids

    hey guys, i recently bought my girlfriend a fish tank. she currently has 3 keyhole cichlids, and 2 european rams, after being around my tank for so long tho, she would like a small plec, was just wondering if they would be compatible? thanks for any help, sam
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    Golden Nugget Plec And Black Ghost Knifefish Together?

    i have lots of hiding places in my tank, it is currently stocked with a 2 inch golden nugget plec and 3 pipefish, would it be ok to put in a black ghost knifefish?
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    Gold Nugget

    just two pictures of mine,top one is where he stays in the day. the bottom one is from when id just put him in, the light patch has cleared now.
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    Gold Nugget

    i have a golden nugget, he is very active, i have had him 2 months, he hangs around on the filter and comes out for food, which is usually cucumber as he loves it, i drop a few plecowafers in every now and then aswell, but he seems to love the algae and bogwood. i am interested as to why they...
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    hi, ive just bought 3 pipefish, was just wadering which category they fall into, thanks
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    Snail Eaters

    ive seen some of these yoyo loaches today, in one of my many lfs's they called them pakistani loaches, and were selling them for £3.49 each, may have to invest in a pair to get rid of my snail problem, as they are rather attractive fish
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    Snail Eaters

    howdy folks ive heard that yoyo loaches, i think thats what there called, eat snails. as i have a snail problem, a bad one lol, at the moment my dads kribensis believe it or not, are eatin them. but there in my tank with my plec,and are making it look unsightly, as they are the boring little...
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    Rubber Nose Vs. Angelicus Loach

    wheres jerry springer when you need him
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    What Fish

    oky doke, but i definately want just one other fish to go in with it
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    What Fish

    what fish go well with plecs, bearing in mind i wanted something like a dwarf puffer, but of course they are a bit of a handful, facy something intersting, any ideas?
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    What Puffer

    you two no your stuff dont ya! fairplay guyz
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    What Puffer

    thanks for the effort put in guys, especially nmonks, but after learnin more about the puffers, no matter how much of a nice fish they are, i dont want to risk puttin one in my tank with my plec, i am however, going to build a puffer tank when my next student loan comes through. thanks again for...
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    What Puffer

    i have an abundance of little snails, the sort you get when you buy plants lol, they breed like rabbitsnails. would these be ok for the puffer, there are a lot in there, rest of diet seems ok, do they need specific water care?
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    What Puffer

    do all puffers need to be fed snails cuz that sounds quite ####. my tank is 21 gallons, and the only other inhabitant is a plec
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    What Puffer

    hey up im after a puffer fish to go in with my plec, i only want one that grows to about an inch, inch and a half max, and would like some info on it. would appreciate any help as i dont have a clue about puffers
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    yay, someone else into cars and fish
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    L18 Feeding And Pics

    no your not a geek mate, i tried it last nite, my plec is a 1/3 the size of yours lol, and he ate it soooooo quickly