Plecs With Cichlids


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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hey guys, i recently bought my girlfriend a fish tank. she currently has 3 keyhole cichlids, and 2 european rams, after being around my tank for so long tho, she would like a small plec, was just wondering if they would be compatible?
thanks for any help, sam
Yep - no problems with plecs in with Cichlids at all - especially as you have the real peaceful ones

Bristlenoses live with mine with no problems at all
21 gallon

was thinking clown plec / bristlenose

whilst im here aswell, ive just bought another tank, 30 gallons. i have 2 small talkin catfish, they never come out, i was planning on putting some figure of 8 puffers in my new tank, would it be ok to put the talking catfish in with them?
im thinking no, but just thought id check
yeah bristlenoses are fine with cichlids as me mam has them with hers as for talking catfish seen mine twice in 5 month and one of them ocasions was last night
Those talking catfish are social so thats why you dont see them often.

As for puffers, they'll probably eat your fish alive when they get hungry, also they're brackish. I dont think you should be into brackish quite just yet.
ive bin keepin fish for 3 years lol, i want a puffer tank, i forgot they were brackish tho, so obviously the catfish wont be able to go into the tank with them. building the tank at the minute. its gonna be ace
They're peaceful cichlids, so you could get away with any small (under 5-6") plec. I'd go for either a BN or something like a Queen Arabesque. I wouldn't recommend a clown plec unless you have plenty of bogwood and dont mind doing extra water changes and gravel vacs, as in a 20g tank that wood eating plec poo might mucky up your water quite a bit ;)

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