21 Gallon Tank, Being Built Up


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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hi, ive just bought a juwel 96 21 gallon tank, and am currently building it up, i am going to use silver sand, slightly denser sand, and small pebbles as the substrate, with plenty of rocks with gaps for hiding places (i have a little image in my head as to how it will look)its purely for a puffer tank and
i am currently interested in:

red eye puffer
pygmy (although there a bit small)
and figure of 8

only one kind tho.

i was just wondering what you guys would recommend, and im guessing brackish ones arent much harder to look after.
thanks, spilz
you could put 2 figure 8s in that size tank.it would have to brackish though and these require a salintiy of 1.005.
right'o how do i know how much salt to put in, and are we talking regular salt here? sorry, completely new to brackish
can i just have something cleared up, the woman in the shop told me that figure of 8's dont need salt until mature. she said set the tank up, wait 5-7 days, and put one in, doing 25% water changes every other day until the chemical levels are suitable, then put the other one or two in.

is this correct, cuz i used to think you were supposed to leave the tank running for a few weeks before.

by the way, my tank has been set up now for a day.

thanks, spilz
u need to cycle it first but i wouldnt uswe a fish like a puffer to do that!more like get a few danios and return them once parameters level out.but they do need salt once adult so that was true.
cheers mate, how do i know when they will need salt tho lol, it all seems a bit weird to me :unsure:
well when they reach a certain size really.there are different ways to tell but those are hard.

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