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  1. M

    Planning A New Setup

    Hey guys Anybody care to first off recommend a good corner tank for planting, able to fit an external, co2 etc which comes with decent enough lights for planting I am aiming for a easy to care for, low maintenance with a nice looking plantage So far I have decided I am definately getting...
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    Low Maintenance Tank?

    thanks I was thinking hardware wise too and also plants - slow growers which wont overcome the tank in a month but also easy to maintain
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    Low Maintenance Tank?

    Hey guys Im due for a tank upgrade at some point soon (this year) and I'm aiming for a really easy tank to keep due to the fact I won't always be here and I don't want extra load going onto the parents/the tank to go downhill. What setup would you recommend for a easy to keep and low...
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    Nuisance Snails Free For Good Home

    sold =D
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    Nuisance Snails Free For Good Home

    They are ramshorn mainly im in the midlands - UK.
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    Nuisance Snails Free For Good Home

    Iv got quite a few nuisance snails doing nothing here...anyone want them?
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    Transporting Snails In Post

    Hey guys I need a way to send snails in the post without them getting destroyed! Something I may have in the household/readily available in the supermarket would be good - thanks
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    My Proposed Setup

    Hey thanks for the reply its appreciated :) The eheims are pretty expensive for what you get especially the thermostat one As for the co2 unit, i suppose i shud have mentioned an initial budget but for now i shall struggle just for the tank and filter (student lol) I was thinking start off...
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    Nuisance Snails

    I have LOAAAAAAAADS of ramshorn snails and the like which eat my poor plants Free to a good home, just pay postage. I can put as many as you want in :good:
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    My Proposed Setup

    Hey guys This will be my first time at properly selecting a tank as last time i just went to my LFS and went with what he told me I am looking at corner units, due to lack of space anywhere else lol The proposed setup is: Trigon 190 + cabinet (expected price in £? i will haggle my lfs for...
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    Nuisance Snails!

    im not one for killing things really so perhaps i will need to sell them is there much interest in nuisance snails?
  12. M

    Nuisance Snails!

    I have some malaysian trumpet snails - love them, no problem there But some annoying ramshorn snails have gotten in (plants?) and are on equal numbers or still quite a large amount - my poor plants are getting shredded! I also think i see those weird limpet things, unless these are just eggs...
  13. M

    Diy Reflector

    Is it possible to make your own reflector with something like kitchen foil? I have a 36w compact t5 (one of the dual ones - daylight plus) over 70litres of water - would it even be worth it or make the light so strong that growth will go out of control? p.s sorry i havent been around for a...
  14. M

    Tetratec Ex700 On A Trigon 190

    As for fish ill be carrying over my 6 corydoras, 10 cherry shrimp (to arrive on monday), 2 black widows and a leopard danio. Im thinking a shoal of tetras and peaceful fish. Not sure what ill have in there really but no messy cichlids - i like crystal clear water mind you
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    Tetratec Ex700 On A Trigon 190

    anyone? will it be enough flow or should i go for a different one? the ex1200 will deffo be too strong for my 70 litre lol
  16. M

    Tetratec Ex700 On A Trigon 190

    Hi I am thinking about getting an ex700 and using it on my 70 litre tank (on a lower setting) until i get my trigon 190. Is it powerful enough for a trigon 190? Its 700 litres per hr apparently ^^ Thanks :good: I have chosen the tetratec due to its good value for money and supposedly just...
  17. M

    Looking For A Corner Aquarium - First Big Tank

    any chance of some pics mate? of filter, tank etc.
  18. M

    Your Experience With A Fluval Venezia?

    I fell in love with this tank when I saw it had the external cleverly routed through the bottom of the tank directly to the tank itself. Amazing! Anyone got experience with this tank? Im after a good corner unit
  19. M

    Looking For A Corner Aquarium - First Big Tank

    cool - do say how you get on when you get it
  20. M

    Looking For A Corner Aquarium - First Big Tank

    Hey guys Im after an upgrade from my 70 litre tank to somethin a bit bigger - i feel i have mastered the 70 litre now. The only place suitable for another tank (bigger) would be in the corner of our hallway meaning i need a corner unit. I also want it to be external filter friendly/made as...
  21. M

    Trigon 190

    Hey guys im getting tempted by a ex display trigon 190 which i should be able to haggle for (its £350 atm inc cabinet) - whats a sensible price to go for (the guy is leaneant and the tank is in good condition) also, i realised there isnt pre drilled external filter holes on the back, has...
  22. M

    Question: How Long Does Dechlorinater/dechloramine Stay Active In Wate

    wow really, i knew it was instant for chlorine but i thought chloramine would take longer so if i filled up tank, then added enough to treat whole tank (to be safe) there would be minimal damage i could even just turn off the external for 5 mins to allow bonding
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    Question: How Long Does Dechlorinater/dechloramine Stay Active In Wate

    I have heard of others dosing dechrolamine/chlorine for example, the whole tank before filling up with a hose meaning no buckets (in theory no mess!) but my worry is, say u add the dechlor stuff and by the time you have added all of the water change water, the dechlor may have already...
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    I Want A Bigger Tank But...

    thanks guys so to get this straight, my plan would be.. empty water clean etc.. unhook external to prevent potential bacteria loss dose the whole tank with anti chloramine/chlorine fill up with hose asap so that the additive isnt..wasted (how long will it stay active in the existing water...
  25. M

    I Want A Bigger Tank But...

    so basically, adding enough anti chlorine/chloramine to treat the whole tank, fill up 30% or whatever iv changed with pure tap water (from outside) with a hose, will not cause problems with either fish or filter bacteria? i was under the impression that any untreated water would start to kill...
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    I Want A Bigger Tank But...

    Will that not affect filter bacteria as the water would not be dechlorinated instantly? Surely the temperature would take quite a plummet too if refilling from the tap?
  27. M

    I Want A Bigger Tank But...

    seems a plan! out of the tank manufacturers mentioned which would you go for? I was going to purchase my own external anyway. Refilling the tank, is there such a thing as an inline decholorinater? I want to use an inline heater with the external too I couldnt find those mats anywhere on the...
  28. M

    I Want A Bigger Tank But...

    I currently have a Mirabello 70 litre tank (12"x24") and it was my first ever aquarium about 3 years ago. I now feel I have mastered it and really want a bigger tank for the advantages of easier maintenance (planning on an external) and more room for plants etc. etc. The thing is, our "porch"...
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    New Planting Substrate

    so 1 tub of that, plus say some black gravel on top. surely im gonna end up mixing it eventually unless its almost like a clay base?
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    New Planting Substrate

    apparently i need at least two bags... damn expensive!? any alternatives?
  31. M

    New Planting Substrate

    Is one 9kg bag of eco-complete large enough for my tank Also, one major thing, is it ok for corys and MTS?
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    New Planting Substrate

    sorry should have been more specific I got a bag free with my plants, which you put in the water. it releases plant food slowly over 2 months or something will have a looky at ur links cheers which size would you recommend for my 24x12" tank? i dont need the best really - im quite a beginner...
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    New Planting Substrate

    Hi guys Currently my plants are doing amazingly well in "normal" gravel and I want to rescape soon anyway. Im looking to get some of this gravel which is good for planting (roots etc.) plus give the plants food without changing water chemistry. Am i right in thinking this gravel would...
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    What Pc?

    Good luck with overclockers after sale check this thread - from my experience they are cheap...just a pain to deal with if anything goes wrong
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    Algae Problem

    I went through a year long or so fight with this blue green algae stuff. At first I was told to remove phosphate etc. from water...thus killing off the plants necessary to fight it. Basically do this Physically remove all traces of it and do the blackout (i did for 4 days) Get yourself some...
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    Restoring Bacteria In Filter

    not many lfs around here that may stock that tbf - not many at all in the first place :( I did my works experience at an aquatics shop ^^ 2 years ago :D twas fun about to do last dose of maracyn - it hasnt all fallen off the leaves so ill use a powerhead to blow it off and suck it out (then...
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    Restoring Bacteria In Filter

    I am only going by what i have read on the interweb Ill test for ammonia sometime and see what it yields they will be some serious water changes upcoming anyway to get rid of the dead bga
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    Restoring Bacteria In Filter

    Im in shropshire west midlands Hopefully i can get some of that stuff from a LFS
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    Restoring Bacteria In Filter

    So those booster stuff only adds "food" such as ammonia etc. into my tank...which is the opposite to what ill want. How about that bacteriazym or w/e the little pills that have bacteria for your filter? tetra ones i used b4 the closest doner to me is wolverhampton - 2 hours away :(