Tetratec Ex700 On A Trigon 190


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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I am thinking about getting an ex700 and using it on my 70 litre tank (on a lower setting) until i get my trigon 190. Is it powerful enough for a trigon 190? Its 700 litres per hr apparently ^^

Thanks :good:

I have chosen the tetratec due to its good value for money and supposedly just as good as eheim...tetra customer service sounds good too :hyper:

will it be enough flow or should i go for a different one? the ex1200 will deffo be too strong for my 70 litre lol
What fish are you going to have in the 190?

I would just get the ex1200 and turn the flow down until you move over to the bigger tank :good: . It would be fine.
What fish are you going to have in the 190?

I would just get the ex1200 and turn the flow down until you move over to the bigger tank :good: . It would be fine.

As for fish ill be carrying over my 6 corydoras, 10 cherry shrimp (to arrive on monday), 2 black widows and a leopard danio. Im thinking a shoal of tetras and peaceful fish. Not sure what ill have in there really but no messy cichlids - i like crystal clear water mind you
You'll probably end up with messy fish anyway, it usually happens :rolleyes:.

But yeah, I'd just get the ex1200, once the flow is turned down it will be perfectly fine.
I agree and would go with the ex1200. An ex700 will turn your tri190 over just over 3 1/2 times an hour, which would be ok i suppose for the type of fish you plan on having but an ex1200 will turn it over just over 6 times an hour which will make it cleaner and healthier for your fish... i had a tetratec ex1200 on a trigon190 that i use to have with no problems.. infact i still have it on my current tank. Best filter i ever had, cant fault them.. :good:

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