Algae Problem


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Help!! :shout: I have a big problem right now with algae. I have some growing on the sides that I try to remove but keeps returning and there is a thin film of something that;s growing all over the gravel and has covered all the hornwort. How can I remove it all and keep it from returning. I'll appreciate any help. :good:
It's probably blue-green algae, this can be removed from plants using your hand quite easily. Is your tank in direct sunlight or do you keep your lights on for more than 10 hours a day?, and isit a relativley new tank setup?
The tank isn't in direct light and i keep my lights on for 12 hours (I have tried to get the 5 hr on, 2 hrs off, 5 hrs on thing but I havn't been able to get a timer yet) and yes the tank is fairly new. Thanks for the fast reply really appreciated.
Blue green algae (Cyanobacter) is often caused by too many nutrients and not enough oxygen and water movement. Cut back on the food (especially dry food) and increase water movement and aeration. You need to syphon it out every day otherwise it will over-run everything. Also wipe off any from the glass and if you have plants or ornaments then syphon it off them or take them out and rinse them down. If you are persistent you should be able to get rid of it.
I had a green algea bloom not so long ago in my smaller tank. I had to do two complete water changes and totally rinse everything before it would go away. The lights would only be on for an hour or so till it went away.

Otherwise there is a chemical called Algea Fix which i have previouslly used aswell that works quite well and doesnt hurt the fishies.
I went through a year long or so fight with this blue green algae stuff.

At first I was told to remove phosphate etc. from water...thus killing off the plants necessary to fight it.

Basically do this

Physically remove all traces of it and do the blackout (i did for 4 days)
Get yourself some flourish excel (ebay) and dose per instructions
Get some KNO3 (potassium nitrate) and read up on EI dosing (i do believe)

After the blackout get yourself loads of plants (i used a Greenline beginner package suited to my tank size)
Plant up, start EI dosing (nitrates HAVE to be present in my experience to stop BGA growing)
Carry on using flourish excel and the EI dosing as per instructions

Get some MARACYN (not type 2 or w/e the other crap is - just MARACYN (or type 1)
As soon as you see a spot of BGA reappearing, use per instructions (have a search on the forums)
Without Maracyn, i found it kept coming back no matter what - but only use it if u deem necessary

If possible increase flow where there was none to provide circulation
Perhaps get some malaysian trumpet snails?
Check your lights arent too old

good luck
^_^ thanks everone and for your responses, highly appreciate it. I will keep you all posted on how it goes and hopefully it will go away.
I went through a year long or so fight with this blue green algae stuff.

At first I was told to remove phosphate etc. from water...thus killing off the plants necessary to fight it.

Basically do this

Physically remove all traces of it and do the blackout (i did for 4 days)
Get yourself some flourish excel (ebay) and dose per instructions
Get some KNO3 (potassium nitrate) and read up on EI dosing (i do believe)

After the blackout get yourself loads of plants (i used a Greenline beginner package suited to my tank size)
Plant up, start EI dosing (nitrates HAVE to be present in my experience to stop BGA growing)
Carry on using flourish excel and the EI dosing as per instructions

Get some MARACYN (not type 2 or w/e the other crap is - just MARACYN (or type 1)
As soon as you see a spot of BGA reappearing, use per instructions (have a search on the forums)
Without Maracyn, i found it kept coming back no matter what - but only use it if u deem necessary

If possible increase flow where there was none to provide circulation
Perhaps get some malaysian trumpet snails?
Check your lights arent too old

good luck
Hi There
The flourish excel does work tried it my self on black brush algae but you do also have to clear as much as you can out manually first strip all the plants and clean ornaments etc. Unfortunatly its back so I am having to do it all again but have just got back off holiday and i think the guy who was looking after the house over fed fhe fish but it does work.
hope this helps

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