Restoring Bacteria In Filter


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Im half way through killing my BGA off with maracyn and am wonderin which product/products would be best to restore my biological filter once treatment is complete? Considering it needs to be restored as quick and as effectively as possible. From the UK btw and adding 2.5mg tablet and a half every day for 5 days for my 70 litre tank (3.75mg in total?)
cycle is useless, the best way to cycle a filter is adding ammonia or even better is adding mature filter media froma nother tank.. There is no other way apart from cyling with fish.
So those booster stuff only adds "food" such as ammonia etc. into my tank...which is the opposite to what ill want.

How about that bacteriazym or w/e the little pills that have bacteria for your filter? tetra ones i used b4

the closest doner to me is wolverhampton - 2 hours away :(
the nutrafin cycle adds 'established' bacteria to the water but it makes no difference IME and many others. Biospira is meant to be quite good.

Sorry it sounded a little confusing the 1st post.

Where abouts are you? You could always ask in the buy/ sell/ swap section, not everone lists on that list.
Im in shropshire west midlands

Hopefully i can get some of that stuff from a LFS
What makes you think you have killed it off ? i have used maracyn many times before on a tank full of Discus and never had a problem with my bacteria dieing off.
I am only going by what i have read on the interweb

Ill test for ammonia sometime and see what it yields

they will be some serious water changes upcoming anyway to get rid of the dead bga
look for some bactinettes from your lfs.

it's the only one of these cycle type products available in the UK which actually works, it needs to be kept refrigerated and has a shelf life which means the bacteria can actually stay alive, unlike bottles of cycle sat on the shelf in the lfs for 3 years gathering dust before they sell.
look for some bactinettes from your lfs.

it's the only one of these cycle type products available in the UK which actually works, it needs to be kept refrigerated and has a shelf life which means the bacteria can actually stay alive, unlike bottles of cycle sat on the shelf in the lfs for 3 years gathering dust before they sell.

I was just going to say that, i found out about it today on my work experience :good:
not many lfs around here that may stock that tbf - not many at all in the first place :(

I did my works experience at an aquatics shop ^^ 2 years ago :D twas fun

about to do last dose of maracyn - it hasnt all fallen off the leaves so ill use a powerhead to blow it off and suck it out (then do a nice old water change)

Got my kno3 dosing going (good old dr pepper bottle stored in the cabinet full of my magic mix :D) and also flourish excel till i get a co2 system sorted

BGA should be dead now ;)
Whether your native bacteria will be killed by the erythromycin or not depends on them - specifically whether those which colonised your particular tank are gram positive or gram negative bacteria. Erythromycin kills only Gm +ve bacteria AFAIK, so it may set you back, or it may not. I did set my cycle back when I used it, but using mature filter media I overcame the effects quickly

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