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    Funny Growth On My Tetra

    Hello, I have just noticed a growth on my cardinal tetra, i dont think its been there long. Havnt got the water stats at the moment but the tank comprises of 4 cardinal tetras, 3 golden barbs, 3 clown loaches, 1 amino shrimp, 1 golden panchax and two cories. Its a planted 90 litre tank. The...
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    Looking Lonely

    its a gibbiceps plec, about 3 inches long and doesnt seem to be growing anymore. the golden panchax has eaten 3 endlers in the past but hasnt gone for the tetras, i think he is relatively peaceful, big mouth though! how does 5 more cardinals sound? thanks btw
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    Looking Lonely

    Hi, i have a 20 gallon tank with a fluval 2 filter. My current stocking is: 1 golden panchax, 1 plec, 4 cories(2 albino and 2 peppered) 4 golden barbs and 3 cardinal tetras. Ive had the tetras for ages and the numbers have dwindled over time. Do you think i can add some more because they look...
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    Ok So I Found A Horrible Leech

    is there anything they are attracted to apart from my fish? you know, like putting veg down for snails until they crawl all over it.
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    Ok So I Found A Horrible Leech

    Ok so this is the first major problem ive had with my tank. I found a horrible little leech in my tank which probably came in on a plant i bought recently. It was on the bottom of a rock which i removed to clean. My setup is: 100 liter planted tank with a fluval 2 filter, 5 cardinal tetras, 3...
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    What The Hell Is This

    hopefully here are the pics and these and another
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    What The Hell Is This

    I just cleaned out my tank and when i do it i rinse the rocks and wood etc in the sink and let them sit on the draining board. afterwards i moved everything back into the tank but this tiny worm thing was left on the draining board. it was teardrop shaped and about 6-7mm long but when it tried...
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    Keeping Plants Alive And Healthy

    yes definitely 18000k, i just checked.
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    Keeping Plants Alive And Healthy

    my lights are 15 watt each. Im not too keen on a CO2 setup because its only a small tank and im trying to run it with minimum fuss! However, has anyone tried a DIY CO2 bottle using yeast and sugar?? i might try this!
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    Keeping Plants Alive And Healthy

    Hi, i have a bit of a problem trying to keep my plants alive or looking healthy in my tank. I notice that a lot of you take great time and care over your plants and water condition, but unfortunately i rarely find time to be as precise! I do not know the types of plants i have, i just buy them...
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    Blue Rams - Spawned!

    here's a question, what size are your adult rams? i have some new ones about 1.5 inches long and i wondered how far they are off breeding??
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    My Bamboo Shrimp

    yes i named him after homer simpsons lobster "pinchy". I always try to move things around when i clean the tank to prevent the fish from claiming territories. I have seen him out and about in the last couple of days but not like before and i have turned the current up slightly. anyone with any...
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    My Bamboo Shrimp

    I have had a bamboo shrimp called pinchy for about two months. When i got him he was everywhere, crawling all over the tank and wasnt afraid of anything. He has molted twice and afterwards he has spent about 3-4 days hiding then hes back to normal. over the last few days he has been hiding under...
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    Can You Tell The Gender Of These Fish?

    unfortunately i cannot get a better photo of the female, she doesnt show off as much as the male. i have had them about a month but i dont know how old. They are one and a half inches long max. is it advised to keep one male and one female in a pair?
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    Can You Tell The Gender Of These Fish?

    one of the fish (the one i presume a male) chases the other one around which is why i think they arent two males
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    Can You Tell The Gender Of These Fish?

    here are two links to some pictures of my blue rams, the first i think maybe a male: the second maybe a female as it isnt as brightly coloured and doesnt have as bigger dorsal fin at the very front: sorry i had to link the photos...
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    Would This Wood Be Ok In A Tank

    might wanna soak it for more than a couple of days, the mopani i bought was still dying the water in a bucket after a week! hasnt dyed my tank water one bit though. good luck
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    Bala Shark

    i bought two bala sharks then realised they get quite big, i thought why is my lfs selling them with all the little fishies if they grow like 12" long??!! shame they are really nice fish. everytime you see them in the shop they are about 3" long max but i saw some the other day about 8" long but...
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    Fish Totally Gone?!?

    my girlfriends dad bought 3 fish for his community tank (cant remember what kind) and they dissapeared within a few days. He just pretty much leaves his tank to get on with things by itself and didnt really lose any sleep over it. He told me he cleaned the tank out about six months later and...
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    i have just taken one of my neon dwarf gourami back to the shop. i had two males and they fought a lot. they can get terratorial but i think they are one of those fish with really contrasting personalities. however mine only ever fought amongst themselves not with anything else. good luck!
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    Neon Dwarf Gourami Fighting

    The gourami that has been hiding for a few days has been taken back to the LFS. They were ok about it. I felt sorry for the little fella but he was the one who picked on the larger one to start with and he must of gotten fed up of it. Hopefully he will go to a good home. I bought two baby german...
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    Neon Dwarf Gourami Fighting

    yes the lfs is rubbish the problem is they have lots of good fish!
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    Neon Dwarf Gourami Fighting

    i have two male neon dwarf gourami and they are fighting a lot. i bought them from a shop where the assistant said one was male and one female. i have learnt since that their both male and they fight. one hides behind the filter to avoid this. the shop wont take the fish back and im worried one...
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    Algae Control?

    About 3 months after setting up my tank, a lot of algae started growing on the rocks, glass and plants. I put 2 moss ball plants in and a bamboo shrimp and now there is very little growing. i can highly recommend both of these! the moss balls are actually algae and will compete with other algae...
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    Adding A Bottle To My Tank

    thanks for your help, im awaiting its delivery and ill try to get a photo on if i can.
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    Adding A Bottle To My Tank

    very funny, when i say old glass i mean old!
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    Adding A Bottle To My Tank

    The other day i went to south manchester aquatics in stockport (which is a fantastic store with loads of different fish) and i saw that they had clear glass bottles in some of the tanks and i thought what a good idea! The bottles looked really good and little fish could swim inside and hide if...
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    Nutrafin Water Conditioner

    ived used nutrafin water conditioner for a while and it works fine. i agree that the dosage instructions are rubbish but i just add one capfull per bucket! good luck
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    Poll: Dead Fish

    maybe you just get a life and stop complaining
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    What Should I Consider

    i keep my betta with dwarf gouramis and cardinal tetras. i can highly reccomend the cardinal tetras. dont think that your betta wont chase things around occasionally coz it will but if he isnt flaring it should be ok. do NOT put any kind of sharks in, they will tear it to shreads. observe at...
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    Poll: Dead Fish

    Sorry about the morbid question, i always thought flush it but i couldnt do that to a special fish! Someone i know actually leaves them for other fish to eat! ____ I made a few changes to this poll, since it is early on. Hope this helps. ;) Inchworm
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    Stocking Levels

    sounds good to me. cardinals are great fish. tell me, how does your betta react to the gouramis?