Would This Wood Be Ok In A Tank

Im not 100% sure, thats why I wanted to check.

I think I've seen it called vine wood.

Think its more for reptiles, but its under the aquarium section on the website.
Might just give it a go, gotta get some other things from them too, so will help to get free postage!
i would give it a green light. looks okay. yeah you might wanna try boiling it and all just to be safe
i would give it a green light. looks okay. yeah you might wanna try boiling it and all just to be safe


I'll go with this one. ;) You should be fine, honestly. Just soak it and watch it for awhile. I have some in my 55 that I got from a friend. He didn't know what it was. I soaked in my bathtub for two days, and changed the water every once in awhile. So far, it's algae free and working like a charm. Of course.....my water is now very brown, but...that's ok. ;) My fish like soft water better any way.
I think, but could be wrong, this is some kind of fruit wood (you are probably right about it being vine) that, as its name suggests, has been sand blasted back to bare wood. I think the same stuff is for sale in a reptile shop local to me. As the other users said just soak it for a couple of days, as you would mopani, and you should be ok.
might wanna soak it for more than a couple of days, the mopani i bought was still dying the water in a bucket after a week! hasnt dyed my tank water one bit though. good luck
I've used some stuff like this before. The only negative thing was that it must have taken 8 weeks to sink.
Well it turned up today, looks pretty cool.

But as said above, its floating pretty good unfortunatley. So I've chucked it in the fish pond and will wait for it to sink before I position it in the tank

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