Can You Tell The Gender Of These Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
chester, uk
here are two links to some pictures of my blue rams, the first i think maybe a male:

the second maybe a female as it isnt as brightly coloured and doesnt have as bigger dorsal fin at the very front:

sorry i had to link the photos but i couldnt figure out how to resize pics on a mac.

Im sure you will agree they are very pretty fish whatever the sex.

Thanks in advance
I think you are correct in assuming their genders. From what I've heard about most cichlids, and about this species in particular, is that females will generally have a pink tinge/coloration to their bellies. Males will indeed have the larger extended dorsal fin, as well as being more colorful. Females will also have this extended dorsal fin, but it won't be as extravegant. I'm not entirely sure about this though, just what I've heard.
one of the fish (the one i presume a male) chases the other one around which is why i think they arent two males
1st 1 look like a male to me.
2nd pic is hard to tell but it could be a female.
Can you get another pic of the 2nd ram?

How old are they & how big?

When small or young it's hard to tell.
unfortunately i cannot get a better photo of the female, she doesnt show off as much as the male. i have had them about a month but i dont know how old. They are one and a half inches long max. is it advised to keep one male and one female in a pair?
I had 1 male & 3 female.
The male chose a female & they spawned.
I never did anything special.

How ever when it came time to moving out their tankmates(Pencilfish) they got so spooked/stressed and stopped eating & died.
I made sure the water was clean & warm but still couldn't keep them alive.

I like how rams look, but germans are too sensitive & spook to easily.
IMO Bolivian rams are more hardy & easier to care for.

If you plan on breeding I think you should keep this setup rams only.
They have a hard enough time keeping other rams away.

I've since moved onto bigger cichlids that are easier to care for.
Best of luck with your rams.
I agree the first is definitely a male. The second picture is hard to tell, but it does appear to have a pink belly, so it might be female. A better picture would help. beautiful fish though!! German rams are harder to maintain but they are much prettier than bolivians in my opinion =o)

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