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  1. R

    Tiger Barb

    Cool man thanks! I've always used flakes and brine shrimp (freeze dried) brine shrimp was only for my angel I used to keep. I've had fish since i was little and never really thought about trying other diets. I guess I'm pretty lucky (or water is good enough?) that I think I've only had a couple...
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    Tiger Barb

    That seems to be the case as he cannot right himself unless he is resting on a plant or side of the tank. I usually just feed them (pretty much always) feed them tetramin. I hadn't run any water tests in a while, I'ma about to leave but I'll run some when I get home. I noticed it said they...
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    Tiger Barb

    Seems one of my tigers is having a problem. This mornign when i fed all of them they were all fine, I get home this evening and the biggest one of them is upside down at the bottom of the tank. The other fish in the tank appear healthy and fine. And really the one that is upside down LOOKS ok...
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    What kind of stuff are you using konrad..co2 setup and shop lights? Yea i know what you mean about putting root tabs in all the time, while i havn't had to do this yet I like to make things as maintenance free as possible. I'm sort of lazy unless it looks really bad which keeps me motivated to...
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    By the way ddreams, i saw a picture of your tank the other day when running through the picture forums, Look very good, and it gives me a little better idea of what playsand looks like! Tell you the truth konrad05 posted in there also, when i was looking at his 55gallon tank (which looks...
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    Well I wanted to get a black substate, I knew that until I started seeing some prices. I could afford it if I really wanted to, but for some reason i can't make myself pay the 120 some bucks for the eco complete. heck I even thought about using the eco and moon sand but it wouldn't make it that...
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    Have a new 55gallon tank i wanted to try and plant. Been searching for what kind of substate to use and of course everyone leans towards florite or eco complete. Checked it out and its way to expensive. I've seen some great results from people using playsand mixed with florite i think... what...
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    To Plant, or not to Plant?

    used to do the plastic plants when i was younger... Never really liked them b/c algae kept growing on them and then they would look like crap. Course that and they always looked fake. I hadn't setup a planted tank yet but hope to do so in the near future.
  9. R


    Hey thanks for getting back to me... I've looked at some of the costs seems the pendant would probably be close to cheapest.. I'm still getting some more info though.. I've been on and off looking at different hex tanks to see different setups. how long do the MH lights last? Do you have any...
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    Just wanted some opinions on hanging a MH pendant over top of my 42 gallon hex to get some plants growing in there. How do they look above the tank? How does the light look in the tank? With the top off will there be any problems with moisture? I like running the tops on my tank but I think to...
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    diy auto top-off

    You might want to try a grainger book (i can't spell) to see if they offer anything similar to what your looking for.. The best idea in my opinion would be to find a float valve and just buy a saddle valve from lowes to pipe up to it (saddle valve or piercing valve i've seen it called both...
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    Hex tanks

    How much light does the onion need? Do you have any pics of it?
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    Pregnant Sword

    When do you start to see the eyes? I believe mine is preg b/c she is a lot bigger than the others in her stomach area. plus the males seem to chase her around a lot. I dunno if they are mating or what. I don't see a pink spot on her yet but her stomach is def bigger. Also, I suppose before she...
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    Hex tanks

    Your tank looks nice. I like the real plants better. I used to have a plastic one in there but it grew algae on it and it looked like crap. Plus I like a natural looking tank. Like i said yours looks nice. The bad thing with mine is how tall it is. I did find a retrofit MH kit that would work...
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    Sand Problem, Saving Money!

    Wonder if its possible to have a sock or something smaller to put over the intake tube of your filter that'll let the water through and keep the sand out.
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    Sand Problem, Saving Money!

    I have some blasting sand i was thinking about using.. Got it for sandblasting but it was a bit too course. Was going to put the fine stuff in there but this course stuff seems like it would be better as you can see the individual grains. This stuff almost looks like it have pieces of glass in...
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    Hex tanks

    Your tank looks nice, Why soo much gravel? I probably only have about an inch or so of it. I don't know too much about the lighting for the tank either. I mean i can probably make something, just need to know how to get a light ontop of the hex that will work and what kind to use. I'd also like...
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    Hex tanks

    Yea I suppose I should ask for light setups. But I'd like to see pictures of planted hex's also. I've only seen a couple of planted hex pictures and they were AWESOME. Tall plants with the few little ones on the ground. Mine is a 42 gallon so I think MH lighting would be needed. Just wanted to...
  19. R

    Hex tanks

    Anyone grow any live plants in a hex tank? Would like to see some setups of hex tanks with live plants and what it took to grow them. Thanks in advance!