Tiger Barb


New Member
Apr 21, 2004
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Seems one of my tigers is having a problem. This mornign when i fed all of them they were all fine, I get home this evening and the biggest one of them is upside down at the bottom of the tank. The other fish in the tank appear healthy and fine. And really the one that is upside down LOOKS ok other than he can't seem to stay upright like the others even though he seems to keep trying.
Is there anything I should try and do for him?
Tank temp is between 74 and 76 F and its a planted tank. Nothing has really changed except an algae clean last night and a partial (10 to 15%) water change.

Advanced swim bladder and sad to say he's not going to make it.
What do you feed the fish as to many dried foods can lead to this.
What are your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
You could try some shelled peas but he dosnt sound good.
That seems to be the case as he cannot right himself unless he is resting on a plant or side of the tank.
I usually just feed them (pretty much always) feed them tetramin.
I hadn't run any water tests in a while, I'ma about to leave but I'll run some when I get home.

I noticed it said they can swallow air, maybe he did it this morning, I usually just feed them a little and leave for work but I guess I'll never know. Thanks for the help!
Do you want me to be honest bad diet, need frozen foods and veg in there diet to keep them healthy going to the toilet.
Frozen daphnia very good at digesting there food.
Get you a link to feeding.
Click on feeding it will fetch loads up.
Cool man thanks!
I've always used flakes and brine shrimp (freeze dried) brine shrimp was only for my angel I used to keep. I've had fish since i was little and never really thought about trying other diets. I guess I'm pretty lucky (or water is good enough?) that I think I've only had a couple fish die from upside down swimming or corkscrewing around.
sorry to read about your tiger barb best to get frozen food for your fish...I have never seen fish frenzy so much as when blood worms are added to my tank

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