

New Member
Apr 21, 2004
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Just wanted some opinions on hanging a MH pendant over top of my 42 gallon hex to get some plants growing in there. How do they look above the tank? How does the light look in the tank? With the top off will there be any problems with moisture?
I like running the tops on my tank but I think to be able to get enough light for the stupid thing the cheapest and easiest way would be to goto a pendant. Don't need anything SERIOUS just something to grow the medium light level plants. That and to brighten it up a little more.. Fish look dark until they float up near the top where the light is now. Tank is around 23" deep I believe (if memory is working good that is)
I have one over a marine tank and it looks quite nice. I suppose it would work with a freshwater tank however you would need to look at the colour temperature of the bulb used so that it is suitable (most bulbs are designed for marine so are around 10000K which I think would be far to blue for freshwater), and you need to consider the cost both initially (well over £100) and for replacement bulbs.

Hey thanks for getting back to me... I've looked at some of the costs seems the pendant would probably be close to cheapest.. I'm still getting some more info though.. I've been on and off looking at different hex tanks to see different setups. how long do the MH lights last? Do you have any problems with no top on the tank?
The bulbs last a year or two I think depending on how long they are on each day. I still have a cover glass on my tank so no problems there, if you went without the cover glass I'd think evapouration and jumping fish would be problems. Another thing to consider is the heat produced, esp. if you have a higher wattage light, although it sounds like a good idea for a deep tank where light needs to be punched down to the bottom.


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