Sand Problem, Saving Money!


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
Say I was to start a huge FW tank. I would really like my next tank to have sand, yet it can be pricely. If I go to the nearest hardware place, they have a huge sand department. What do I ask for? What sand is good for aquariums? What are some pros/cons of using sand. I think I should have a layer of gravel topped with sand for plants. Is this a good assumption?
i just bough regular play sand for about $5 for 20kg and i havent had any problems with it but once a week i run a stick around in it to release air pockets and siphone the poop of the top because it is easy to see the waste on light colored sand but it looks nicer and is more appealing to the fish :D
My sand is white, and the fish dung shows easily unfortunatly,however what I did to solve this was put java moss all along the bottom - and now it looks gr8t! :D
well I am working on a plant tank at the moment and from my searching and reading I found that using kittylitter(no perfumes or clumping agent, just clay) as a base and play sand makes a great base for plants. mine seems to be doing fairly well, but I haven't had it up long
I heard somewhere on the forum (forgive me I don't remember who said it) that pool filter sand was a whole lot better than silicone sand. You can buy it at any pool store. It's supposedly heavier than silicone sand, and doesn't clog the filter.
Just spreading the info!!!
I've heard that you can get "play sand", "pool filter sand", or if you want it a little coarser, "blasting sand". The first and last are silica sands, but many people do use them successfully.

A layer of gravel topped with sand isn't going to work well, or at all (think about the grain size). I would guess that if you did that, you'd fairly soon have a layer of sand with gravel on top.
I have some blasting sand i was thinking about using.. Got it for sandblasting but it was a bit too course. Was going to put the fine stuff in there but this course stuff seems like it would be better as you can see the individual grains. This stuff almost looks like it have pieces of glass in it as well.. its black beauty medium grit if anyone is familar with it.
Anyone used anything similar to this? Is the fine stuff better to use for the fish?
Only real problems I've heard with sand, other than the already mentioned fish waste being an eyesore, is that it can get sucked into your filter, tearing up bushings and shafts on your impeller. That and if you have it too deep in the bottom of the tank, it can get airless parts that grow anaerobic bacteria. These can release toxins into your water.

If tou don't have fish that like to dig in the bottom of the tank, I wouldn't worry too much with it getting into the filter. Don't pile it in too deep, and the anaerobic bacteria shouldn't be a problem.

Wonder if its possible to have a sock or something smaller to put over the intake tube of your filter that'll let the water through and keep the sand out.
Ricoch3T said:
Wonder if its possible to have a sock or something smaller to put over the intake tube of your filter that'll let the water through and keep the sand out.
how about a piece cut from an old pair of tights?
i used tights to clean my sand before i put it in my tank
I use pool filter sand. The grain size and shape is very constant thus it tends not to pack down like some other sands. It still need a little gardening to keep it open, but less then silver sand etc.

The "problem" with crud sitting on the surface of the sand can also be said to be an advantage. If it is sitting on the surface, you can easily remove it with a dip tube or siphon. In gravel, it works it's way down into the bed and rots.
iv just brought a nice big bag of play sand today at 1st stop diy for 2:99 (uk)

its kitted out my 2ft an will go half way to kittin out my cube one when i get it...

realy cheep and its just the same as the stuff they sell at the lfs

playsand :does exactly as it says on the ummm... package.. :rolleyes:
my lfs uses sand from rona and totem we sorta asked about it cause i was haveing trouble cleaning myrona/revy playsand they only sell one brand but it is reall dusty

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