Hex tanks


New Member
Apr 21, 2004
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Anyone grow any live plants in a hex tank? Would like to see some setups of hex tanks with live plants and what it took to grow them.
Thanks in advance!
I've got a 5 gallon hex containing wisteria, anubias var. nana, and bacopa. The anubias, after four months, is finally growing. The bacopa keeps getting uprooted by the platies, so it is not doing well. I bought one bunch of wisteria and now have three bunches of it- once it gets started, it grows very rapidly.

I attached the anubias to the driftwood using fishing line. The others I just stuck in the gravel (regular-sized gravel) with a root tab (fertilizer) for them. I used to add Kent Plant Fertilizer for them but realised that mine do better without it.

I can't seem to upload the picture atm, I'll try again tomorrow.
The shape of the tank is not, per-se the problem. Where you do run into a problem is light level advice. The 2 Watts per gallon guideline assumes a regular shaped tank. Hex tanks tend to be deeper so often will need more light per gallon then a regular.

Go for tall narrow plants rather then wide spreading ones.
Yea I suppose I should ask for light setups. But I'd like to see pictures of planted hex's also. I've only seen a couple of planted hex pictures and they were AWESOME. Tall plants with the few little ones on the ground. Mine is a 42 gallon so I think MH lighting would be needed. Just wanted to know what others used.
What type of lighting did you use on the 5gallon cutechic?
I still can't get the picture to upload using the <img> tags, so I'll post it in the pictures forum. Here's the link HTH :)
Just saw your question, Ricoch3T. It's a 10W fluorescent daylight bulb. Sorry I can't give you any other info, such as the spectrum... I know next to nothing about lighting. My lfs recommended this to me. I think the next bulb I buy will be 15W so I can have 3W/gallon. This way the foreground plants I'm planning to buy will be able to grow nicely.
Your tank looks nice, Why soo much gravel? I probably only have about an inch or so of it.
I don't know too much about the lighting for the tank either. I mean i can probably make something, just need to know how to get a light ontop of the hex that will work and what kind to use. I'd also like something that looks good also.
Considered something like a pendant style fixture but I really dont think i want it hanging from the ceiling but then again plants would make my tank look a lot better. I like to have that "natural look" or close to it if i can.
Sorry for the delayed reply :X

I like a lot of gravel in my tanks. Doesn't seem to do the plants any harm :fun: I used to use the light that came with my hex, but then I bought the one I have now and the plants seem to be doing better. I didn't see the point in spending a lot of money for a bulb, so I bought this one for about $15.

You might be able to buy one of those lights that clip onto the aquarium. These aren't the best type for plants, so you could probably only grow a couple types of plants if you try these lights.

Here's some more recent pictures of my 5 gallon, right after I trimmed the wisteria. Sorry, the first one's a bit blurry.


Your tank looks nice. I like the real plants better. I used to have a plastic one in there but it grew algae on it and it looked like crap. Plus I like a natural looking tank. Like i said yours looks nice.
The bad thing with mine is how tall it is. I did find a retrofit MH kit that would work. 175 watt, but I don't wanna spend the money right now :D So the 18watt light might have to do for now
The only plant that I've ever had luck with in a tall hex tank is Thai Onion, it grows tall and thin and compliments the tank nicely :)
How much light does the onion need? Do you have any pics of it?

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