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    White Eye

    my 4 year old tin foil has one eye that has gone milky white can anyone tell me what that could be?
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    Sev Aggression

    I have 4 green Sevs and they paired off and live very happily at each end of my tank. Do you have a pair and if so are the gettin jiggy widdit? thats the only reason mine ever attack any of my others. just a thought.
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    No Growth!

    I have a 5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank with 4 severum 3 pleco's and large silver barbs. they all get along quite nicley but one thing i have noticed is that my pleco's don't grow! a friend who has a similar setup has a pleco that within a2 years is about 14" long my 3 the longest is 5" and i've had them...
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    Severum fry

    yeah they did eat them, RATS! thanks for your help guys.
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    Severum fry

    After about 20 attempts my 2 Green Severums have about 250 fry, do any of you know how i can seperate them and bring them on to a bigger size? please, any help would be fantastic.
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    food everywhere!

    cheers guy's god it's everywhere it was a brand new tub!
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    food everywhere!

    I was in a rush and went to just tip some food into the tank and dropped a whole 75g pot of Tetra Prima into the tank I've turned the filter off but what should i do next? :dunno:
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    discus gone mad?

    A mate of mine has 6 discus in his tank all water conditions are perfect. The problem is that one by one the discus are going completely mental swimming at high speed even to the extent of hitting the sides of the tank and it a good size tank 5ftX2ftX18" does anyone have any idea what this could...
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    discus gone mad?

    A mate of mine has 6 discus in his tank all water conditions are perfect. The problem is that one by one the discus are going completely mental swimming at high speed even to the extent of hitting the sides of the tank and it a good size tank 5ftX2ftX18" does anyone have any idea what this could...
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    Silly Severum?

    I have a Green Severum that swims in the main, backwards! I have noticed that he is a bit pailer in comparison than the others I have in the tank. but can anyone help with why he might be swimming backwards?
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    My Gallery of fish + Tanks

    Wow, what can I say great selection of fish. and great videos. :cool: :kewlpics:
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    Eheim 2028

    thanks for that you guys. OB1 I think I might take some of the media out what did you pay for yours? if you don't mind me asking m8?
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    Where can I find a cool Tropical Fish Screensaver?

    the only problem with your puffefish is you have to wait 5 mins before it goes away!! very annoying :angry: If there was one that was a good as the very common marine screensaver that would be brilliant!
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    how long?

    I have my new 2028 running along side my 303 how long will it take do you reckon to mature before I can remove the 303? :dunno:
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    Eheim 2028

    I have just installed my new 2028 but I don't think the flow rate is anything special why do you reckon that could be? any help would great.
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    I may be moving - how do I transport my fish?

    Trap as much air in the bags as you can they will need a fair bit of oxygen
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    Take 2 filters into the tank

    I have just installed my new Eheim 2028 but I still have my Fluval 303 working obviously, but the spray bars are are at each end facing each other will they just cancel themselves out. The new one won't stretch to the other end of the tank. should I worry? :dunno:
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    The debate of the century

    Debate of the what? your mate is weird! :crazy:
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    Weird yellow stuff in plant in tank

    SOOOOO what was it did you get it out? and if so what was it?????
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    The one being picked on in the main is the biggest funnily enough the smallest just sits by and watches.
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    Dr Axelrod

    Its funny it still seems to be true to this day, because if I don't put something down, maybe not newspaper, but something the lady of of house beats the livin sh*t out of me so its just like the olden days. LOL
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    Dr Axelrod

    fantastic, there must be other gems that you can quote :cool:
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    building my own

    I can get sash clamps from where i work, but I would imagine that you would not clamp as tight as possible because you would squeeze out all the mastic? theres a lot to think about :/
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    Dr Axelrod

    back in the 80's that was all I could get :(
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    Help with DIY tank

    I love the way you guy's say oh don't bother to do it DIY go buy one, if I wanted to buy a tank the only places that I have seen they cost 100's of pound to get anything of a descent size! or are you talking second hand?
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    Dr Axelrod

    So what are the volumes like that you are talking about? Are they good vfm are there a lot of pictures? or is it one of those things that builds into something very good but on its own its ok?
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    A little lesson on tank sizes for Cichlids

    These videos you talk of Vip can you make them available again :o
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    I have a 48" x 24" x 18" about a 75 gallon tank and i have 4 severums in it one of them is a about 2" the others are 4/5" how long would it take them toget to full size? I have 2 tinfoils that are 6" and an 8" pleco also in with them am I running out of space fast or do I have a couple of...
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    How low on its belly were the 2 spots were they more midline maybe?
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    Ideas on what i cud keep in this tank

    plants seem about the only thing I could think of besides bettas
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    Tank Heater Inconsistent

    Yeah I had exactly the same thing going on myself buy a new heater don't take the chance that one day it might just go! and then your stuck!
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    Room for 2 more?

    I have a 75gallon tank and I only have 7 fish in it well 8 if you count the 1 and a half inch pleco. I have 4 severum 3 at 4" 1 at 2" and 2 tin foils at 6" and an 8" pleco would it be safe for me to put a smaller pair of Cichlids in? and if so what do you reckon would be good I want a bit more...
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    Dr Axelrod

    In 1989 I bought Dr Axelrods ATLAS of fresh water aquarium FISHES 3rd edition does anyone have a more up to date version and if so how much are they to buy now it boast's 4,500 pictures I bet the newer one has a few more than that.
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    Hi mate, once you have moved your pleco on i would have thought you'd be ok for a male Gourami. But as canarsie says thats your lot. Until you've got that 125 gallon you've had your eye on up and running LOL.
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    Testing kits

    I have just sorted out under my tank and for one moment I thought I'd found lord Lucan LOL, but what I did find was an unopened but 5 year old tetra nitrate testing kit, could it have gone bad by now? should I throw it away?
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    Filter List

    where are you ordering them from? is it somewhere in the states? those prices are brilliant. :cool:
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    Barbs, or no Barbs. That is the question...

    Happy birthday DannyBoy17 :kana:
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    Just got a Gold Nugget pleco

    They are very good looking fish I really want one but they are £26.00 in my lfs and I hear that they are not as hardy as the plainer plecs maybe one day. :cool:
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    You should have been here yesterday

    How many time have you had to wait ages to get enough money together to buy a new filter or a new heater. only to have one of your best mates say Oh you should have told me before, I've just given 2 of those away to a man in the street who didn't really want them!!! :angry:
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    Weird yellow stuff in plant in tank

    Hi norbie, could it possibly be the wadding from the bottom of some plant that you may have put in a while back? just a thought :thumbs: