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  1. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Not a lot different really. So far i did 20% water change. Would you reccommend any more?
  2. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    When you say remove the med do you mean a big water change & put carbon back in. I think ive sttressed them out enough tonight. Would replacing carbon do trick? Should i do that before putting salt in or after? Sorry about the 100 questions. Youve been a great help!
  3. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Did another water test after 1st change and ammonia was back at 0. Fish still huddled together, hovering. Oh 3 of them beginning to swima round. Should I turn room lights off, only tank lights not on and I would hardly be able to see them then. Would see if they were swimming around...
  4. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Not much different - will go and do another water change.
  5. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    I bought it about 2 weeks ago. I used it in my main tank when one of my cardinals had columnaris. He's better and other fish were not affected so dont think its that. I had already done a water change tonight before I notice one had whitespot. Ammonia was 0.25. Nitrite 0 Also rasied the temp...
  6. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Only just done it. I used a very small syphon so it took me a while. Will update in about 5 mins, if you're still around.
  7. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    Just floating near surface, very still. Theyre eyes look awful.
  8. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    OH DEAR. loose knot didn't do a think so I tied it TIGHT. Didn't think of that one. DER :crazy:
  9. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    ok will do dilute water now. Pump looks like an old one, it came with tank. Ill try the knot. Thanks Wilder!
  10. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    I put the air pump in earlier and that semed to freak them out so i turned it off. i dont whether its a bit powerful for this little tank. I should do water change now?
  11. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    no not gasping but 6 of them, their eyes have gone completely black.
  12. J

    Help! Fish In Shock?

    OH MY GOD! wHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY FISH? 8 Guppies in quarantine tank. Just added protozin. They all just went dead still and their eyes look dilated. I put in less than 1ml . Its a 25liter tank. Is there anything I should do? Will they be Ok? This was 2 mins ago. Moving a bit more but...
  13. J

    New Friends For Danios

    Hi I have 5 zebra danios and would like to make their school a bit bigger. I was wondering if I could get some other types of danios, would they join the school? Or is is better to just get more zebras? I am also thinking about getting some dwarf gourami in future, would they be suitbale...
  14. J

    Metallic Coloured Gravel

    When I bought a second hand tank it came with gravel in it. I took it all out & boiled it - it was filthy. Im using the tank as a quarantine tank. The first time I used it I didnt put the gravel in just some rocks and fake plants. but it still looked really bare so this time round i was...
  15. J

    Buying Fish In Winter

    A collegue told me that you cannot get fish from pet shops, lfs, in winter becasue they wont sell them due to the low temperatures. Is he winding me up? :grr:
  16. J

    Poorly Fish Better

    :band: Hey, I have managed to keep my first fish thats been poorly. Every other time I ve had a sick fish, always straight from the lfs, theyve not survived, after tlc & meds not worked. But my little cardinal tetra's columnaris seems to have gone. Im so chuffed! So thanks to those of you...
  17. J

    Just Some Questions About Rio180

    This is what i thought but I'll put it as a question for you more experienced guys to answer. It says direct it the pipe the way you want, but is it best to have it pointing slightly up so that it agitates the water, so more oxygen will exchange???
  18. J

    Whats Happened To My Water?

    thanks everyone for all the info. The water is only slightly cloudy, a whitish colour, but my water is always really clear. Yes airpump in there. I leave my lights on 5 hrs then 3 hr siesta then 5 hours on again. It could make things worse to do a water change? Its not really that bad, so...
  19. J

    Whats Happened To My Water?

    [bumped] any ideas ? any would be appreciated ;)
  20. J

    Whats Happened To My Water?

    Hi Got up this morning and waters gone a bit cloudy. Have tested water ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.4. A few things gone on in last week or so: *I treated for fungus with protozin. when i realised i should have been treating for columnaris got some interpret finrot & fungus control...
  21. J

    Did Treatment - What Next

    ok, thanks for all your help!
  22. J

    Did Treatment - What Next

    no if i couldn't see the white patch id think he was a healthy fish
  23. J

    Did Treatment - What Next

    no, no red ring. would fish with this be appearing happy & healthy otherwise?
  24. J

    Did Treatment - What Next

    It doesn't look like the pictures of columnaris ive seen. Its like a tiny compat patch of white about 1square mm. its not fluffy or hairy just a tiny compact white patch on the lips. Do you still think its columnaris Wilder?
  25. J

    Did Treatment - What Next

    Hi I will give my last dose of protozin, day 6 tomorrow, for cardinal tetra with what i thought was fungus. It hasn't improved yet or worsened and the fish seems ok, swimming with the others, feeding. What do I do if the white patch on lips hasnt gone after day 6? Treat with protozin again...
  26. J

    Juwel Lights

    Iv heard the juwel lights are rubbish and not reallly adequate for planted aquariums. Does anyone have a juwel aquarium and changed the lights. Im toldI need lights with a full spectrum for healthy plants and less algae.
  27. J

    What To Do With Filter During Treatment

    I think all meds will affect your bacteria, the longer your filter has been cycled the better.
  28. J

    What To Do With Filter During Treatment

    yeah, i bought a small filter for my small hospital tank and its all one cartridge. Which is no use at all if youre putting med in. I thought the carbon part would have been separate. The carbon absorbs the med so you need it out. With mine I broke the plastic at the top of the cartridge...
  29. J

    Bloated Fish

    Hi Posted this on emrgencies. maybe its not quite an emergency. Sorry guys if you already read it. I dont really know whether some of my fish are bloated, fat or whether thats just their shape. I did think earlier that the ones with really full bodies were females but they do look overly big...
  30. J

    Bloated Fish

    I dont really know whether some of my fish are bloated, fat or whether thats just their shape. I did think earlier that the ones with really full bodies were females but they do look overly big to me. ive looked up pics in bks and on the net to compare. they have been this shape a long time...
  31. J

    Fungus Killed One

    Ive used this and it successfully got rid of fungus after 6th day.
  32. J

    Should I Treat Now

    Ammoinia is 0. Nitrite is 0. Nitrate is 5.0. pH is 7.6. I have just noticed that one of the cardinals has small sort of white patch that sticks out on his mouth, only visible at certain angles. The danio that is rubbing is not doing it all the time. It is also quite big and so is one of the...
  33. J

    Flicking And Rubbing

    Just noticed the scratching last night. New plants and new fish last week were put in. pH 7.6 Nitrates 5.0. Mainly scratching the body. Its a zebra danio so dont know if i would be able to see white spot even if it was there??
  34. J

    How To Stick

    don't know anything about bettas, but would it be better to stick the backing to the outside of the tank at the back just in case any nasty chemicals do leak.
  35. J

    Should I Treat Now

    Hi sorry i put this in beginners section then thought maybe it shouldve been here can anyone advise me on what to do? One of my fish is acting strange, its flicking against the plants and swimming up and down against the glass and tunring round and round on the gravel. I cant see any white...
  36. J

    Flicking And Rubbing

    Hi can anyone advise me on what to do? One of my fish is acting strange, its flicking against the plants and swimming up and down against the glass and tunring round and round on the gravel. I cant see any white spot but should i treat for it anyway? My water tests were fine but i have just...
  37. J

    When To Buy?

    Yes, dont worry my tank is cycled. I wouldnt do that to the little fishies (or big fishies) :)
  38. J

    Please Advise Me

    Cheers Rodders
  39. J

    When To Buy?

    Thanks miss dib dabs I cant wait to go and get one/them now. Do you think I should get a male & 2 female? Or male & female? Or just one? :thumbs:
  40. J

    Please Advise Me

    I hope this is ok. I put this in gourami section and no replies so copied it to here. Sorry if youve read already.:/ Was in my lfs today and they have some gorgeous dwarf gouramis, but they were very small, maybe 1 1/2 -1 3/4 inches. Is it better to get these fish when they are older? Are...