Whats Happened To My Water?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Got up this morning and waters gone a bit cloudy.

Have tested water ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.4.

A few things gone on in last week or so:

*I treated for fungus with protozin. when i realised i should have been treating for columnaris got some interpret finrot & fungus control. Did 20% water change & 2 days lapsed between treatments.
*Turned temp down from 26 to 24 (now 25c).
*Have added an air line.
*Also took bog wood out and gave it a good clean.
*Tried feedingthem peas for the 1st time??? :unsure:
Got up this morning and waters gone a bit cloudy.

Have tested water ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.4.

A few things gone on in last week or so:

*I treated for fungus with protozin. when i realised i should have been treating for columnaris got some interpret finrot & fungus control. Did 20% water change & 2 days lapsed between treatments.
*Turned temp down from 26 to 24 (now 25c).
*Have added an air line.
*Also took bog wood out and gave it a good clean.
*Tried feedingthem peas for the 1st time??? :unsure:

any ideas ? any would be appreciated
Everything seems fine apart from the meds you have been administering Keep up your weekly water change of around 1/3 of the tank water. and observe your tank inhabitants for any signs of stress. It my just be a chemical imbalance caused by your meds.
Its a worrying factor that many of the forum are using meds for every possible fish diesease out there. It's like a doctor surgery nowdays in the hobby.
The med's may have reduced you bacteria-count, and they're trying to play catch-up. Rinsing the wood may have, too...tho not by much.
Bacterial bloom not harmful in itself, keep an eye on the readings, tho.
Water does go cloudy with meds sometimes, are you running an airstone for extra aeration.
It could also be an algea bloom. Keep the lighting to 10-12 hours a day and avoid direct sun. If there is direct sun falling on the tank you can cover it with a towel when you are not there.
Could also be a bacteria boom. What colour is the water? If it is a milky colour then it's likely that it is. If this is the case just carry on as normal as increasing your water changes will make it worse. I got rid of mine by just keeping up my usual regeime along with cutting down on feeding a bit.

Like paulthegreat says it could also be a algae bloom. If the cloud is a yellowish/greenish colour than I'd vote algae.

Hope this helps.
thanks everyone for all the info.

The water is only slightly cloudy, a whitish colour, but my water is always really clear.

Yes airpump in there.
I leave my lights on 5 hrs then 3 hr siesta then 5 hours on again.

It could make things worse to do a water change? Its not really that bad, so you advise me to leave it alone for a while to see if it just settles down?
Yeah, thats what I'd do. It should sort itself out eventually. You don't want to disrupt the balance any more by doing super big & frequent water changes.

Hope it sorts itself out for you soon :)
It's the med it knocks the bacteria colony sligtly causing it to look abit cloudy, just hang in there, i wouldn't do a water change if stats are ok, good luck.

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