Help! Fish In Shock?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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8 Guppies in quarantine tank. Just added protozin.

They all just went dead still and their eyes look dilated.

I put in less than 1ml . Its a 25liter tank. Is there anything I should do? Will they be Ok?

This was 2 mins ago. Moving a bit more but still very inactive!
The can act weird when you first add the med, are they gasping.

Are you running an airstone
no not gasping but 6 of them, their eyes have gone completely black.
Are you running an airstone, i would dilute it down with a water change quickly.
I put the air pump in earlier and that semed to freak them out so i turned it off. i dont whether its a bit powerful for this little tank.

I should do water change now?
Dosn't it have a gang valve on it that you can turn up and down on the airstone, put a knot in the tubing to slow the flow down, and do a small water change just to dilute the med down abit.
ok will do dilute water now. Pump looks like an old one, it came with tank. Ill try the knot.

Thanks Wilder!
As long as you have a valve as i don't wan't the pump getting blocked and causing the water flow to run backwards, so just a lose knot, not a tight one.
As long as you have a valve as i don't wan't the pump getting blocked and causing the water flow to run backwards, so just a lose knot, not a tight one.

OH DEAR. loose knot didn't do a think so I tied it TIGHT. Didn't think of that one. DER :crazy:
It's just to nip the pipe to slow the flow down, as they need extra aeration with a med, how are they doing now.
Just floating near surface, very still. Theyre eyes look awful.
Something not right, did you do the water change, if so do another one.
Something not right, did you do the water change, if so do another one.

Only just done it. I used a very small syphon so it took me a while.

Will update in about 5 mins, if you're still around.
ok, is the med a new one, or is it old med.
I bought it about 2 weeks ago. I used it in my main tank when one of my cardinals had columnaris. He's better and other fish were not affected so dont think its that.

I had already done a water change tonight before I notice one had whitespot. Ammonia was 0.25. Nitrite 0

Also rasied the temp to get rid of but it went up to 27 from 25. Is this too warm? The rroms very warm so i think it'll take a while for temp to come back down a bit.

5 of them have come around a bit. have swam over to other side of tank and eyes have gone back to normal. still slow.

Tails are flared. Would that be just cos theyre treading water.

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