Help! Fish In Shock?

Yes you need to do a water change if you have a ammonia reading as it should be 0,with whitespot you can take the temp up to 30, how do the fish look now.
Yes you need to do a water change if you have a ammonia reading as it should be 0,with whitespot you can take the temp up to 30, how do the fish look now.

Not much different - will go and do another water change.
I maybe would remove most of the med as they are not tolerating it, and maybe purchase another one, maybe just turn temp up and add salt for now if only guppies are in there.
Did another water test after 1st change and ammonia was back at 0.

Fish still huddled together, hovering. Oh 3 of them beginning to swima round.

Should I turn room lights off, only tank lights not on and I would hardly be able to see them then. Would see if they were swimming around though???

Woops didnt see your last post.
Just add a teaspoon of salt household salt fine if you don't have aquarium salt, as it helps with parasites and stress.
Just add a teaspoon of salt household salt fine if you don't have aquarium salt, as it helps with parasites and stress.

When you say remove the med do you mean a big water change & put carbon back in.
I think ive sttressed them out enough tonight. Would replacing carbon do trick?

Should i do that before putting salt in or after?

Sorry about the 100 questions. Youve been a great help!
Just add the carbon, yes you can add the salt, i think that med dosn't agree with the guppies for some reason, how are they have they calmed down.
Not a lot different really. So far i did 20% water change. Would you reccommend any more?
Just another little one, just add the declolrinated water to the tank , if you buy another med get a gang valve for the pump, as you will need the pump running, as you will be able to alter the flow with a gang valve.

Gang valves are further down the page.
Just another little one, just add the declolrinated water to the tank , if you buy another med get a gang valve for the pump, as you will need the pump running, as you will be able to alter the flow with a gang valve.

Gang valves are further down the page.

Ahh just seen one like mine, didnt know you could take the little rings off. Thanks for that.

Gppies still look very unhappy.
Does that mean you can turn the pump down now, as aearation will help, just add the black carbon for now , as long as they are not gasping at the top, they should settle down.
Does that mean you can turn the pump down now, as aearation will help, just add the black carbon for now , as long as they are not gasping at the top, they should settle down.

The pump has been running I havent taken the knot out yet.

Turned the lights out. One resting on bottom, one resting on plant, rest still at top.
Does ths not look good or are they just resting?

Turned air pump off to sort it out and the fish seem much happier with it off.

The filter thats in agitates the surface a lot, very bubbly, so would I be ok leaving air pump off?
Keep us all updated as i'm worried,hope they are ok,.

All 8 are back to normal. Im so rlieved, i thought id lost them.
Wilder, thank you so much for all your help last night. It was awful so see them react like that.

Now what to do about the white spot, also fungus or fin rot on tail of the infected fish.
I have some interpret white spot, how long to wait before trying a different med?

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