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  1. Snake42490

    Looking For A Fish?

    I have a friend that is trying to find Melanochromis Interruptus does anyone know where abouts i could get a hold of some or someone that would be selling them.. Thanks!
  2. Snake42490

    Couple Info On 2 Carpet Plants?

    I was looking at a couple of carpet plants and found 2 i liked.. Japanese Hairgrass Hemianthus Callitrichoides Does anyone have experience with these and tell me how they are??? I have a low light setup around 2.9 WPG but i plan on backing off the light and seeing how the plants work with...
  3. Snake42490

    Low Light Easy To Grow Carpeting Plants?

    i purchased java moss.. do you know anything about japanese hairgrass
  4. Snake42490

    Low Light Easy To Grow Carpeting Plants?

    I was wondering what are some good low light carpeting plants that dont need much other than a little fert and light?
  5. Snake42490

    Malawian With A Mouthfull

    I would put the female in the small tank if you do infact want to keep the fry. Good luck on near future.. my fish wont stop breeding i finally just let them spit in the tank and if they live they live as bad as that sounds. I keep some though. The female should be placed alone in the smaller...
  6. Snake42490

    Stocking 80 Gal

    Ive never had good luck with kenyi. They will be fine for a year then just tear my tank to pieces. I dont think the afra would care for an aggressive fish like the kenyi either. If you really do want kenyi.. i would only go with 1 male and maybe 3 females to spread the aggression out. Even then...
  7. Snake42490

    80 Gal, Mbuna Journal

    You might want to be careful about doing what wslinky said.. it works for some filters but for some its not a good idea. I took out an old one and havent been able to fix it.. That sand can get stuck in the motor shaft and just te it to pieces. In some cases aryou might be ok though. Just...
  8. Snake42490

    ~~~ahhh....i've Got It~~~noone Can Stop Me!

    Haha very nice fish. I could go for a trio of those.. my guess would be the male or dominant one will show the colors.. i know thats how its been on my afro cytop
  9. Snake42490

    Just Increased My Lighting.

    the package has a big 40 Watt at the top then you start to read the fine print.. and it tells the truth haha.. Thanks im sure someone has to know about these things.
  10. Snake42490

    Just Increased My Lighting.

    i dont know if the wpg rule works for compact fluorescent.. but i agree with you. it just seems like a lot of light.. If i droped out the 40 Watt light and kept the 16 Watt and 10 Watt would that sound better? hhmm.. I red the package and it says 9 Watts > < > < but then it says 9 watts cf =...
  11. Snake42490

    Just Increased My Lighting.

    Awesome.. Do you know exactly what my WPG will come out to be using compact fluorescent along with fluorescent bulbs?
  12. Snake42490

    Acclimating Aquatic Plants

    Ive just bought some java moss and will be buying a couple other plants today. I was wondering if there is a process i should follow once i get the plants before putting them into the tank.. Kinda like acclimating a fish before adding it to its new home. Mixing water etc.. or do i just dump it...
  13. Snake42490

    Feeding Cory's

    I feed my corys hikari sinking waffers and have had great luck with them. I remember my corys didnt eat the first week or so.. If they are new maybe they are still adjusting..
  14. Snake42490

    80 Gal, Mbuna Journal

    You could always just attach the filter out side the new filter for a while just so its getting all ammonia etc. It will start to colonize right away. On 2 of my new tanks i cycled it differently each time.. 1 i just took some rock from 1 tank and put it in my 20 gallon. With new fish. If you...
  15. Snake42490

    Newbie Question

    I had really bad Alage problems in my 55 gallon.. Some floating.. lots on the side of the glass.. I put in a UV light and i would say within 3 or 4 days all of the floating algae was gone. i would have to scrub the side algae off then it would get killed.. I honestly have never had a problem...
  16. Snake42490

    Just Increased My Lighting.

    Ok so 2 days ago I increased my light since I was only around 1.3 WPG. I originally had a 16 Watt Flourescent Bulb in the 12 gallon tank. I then went and made a Compact Flourescent Unit and also put it up under the tank. I put 2 different bulbs getting a different spectrum of light. 1 is a...
  17. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    Ok... I have my plant choices down now i just need help figuring out what to go with.. Anubias nana --- this plant meets all requirements. great for tank. Dwarf Hairgrass-- lighting on this is medium to high.. so i dont know if with my new lighting i will be ok with medium light plant needs? i...
  18. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    So i take it the CMS + B is the same as the Seachem flourish and tropica plant nutrion except that it is in powder form? would you recommend going with the dry cms + b or the liquid flourish? and if you say flourish which one should i get.. it looks like there are a ton to choose from.. each...
  19. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    .. ok well i am going to order a couple of those low light plants.. What kind of plant food or fert do you guys think i should get for a small aquarium with low light plants?
  20. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    ok! everything is done haha... the compact light was a great idea. i added a 10 watt full spectrum light. i compared to all of the others and this one gave out the most i thought. anyway my wpg... if calculated right is 16 + 10 Watt / 12 gallons which is the tank size giving off 2.16 W/g i know...
  21. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    Im going to our local store now to get an idea on what lights they have.
  22. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    any idea how i could do that method. i could easily see it working, but dont have any glass between light and water.. which seems like a huge problem. With that being said what K should i be looking at? 5000 K about what i want 4200 etc? if i did this method do you think i should do 2 bulbs or...
  23. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    if i added a 15 watt incandescent plant bulb would it do anything? i could easily add it to the tank along with the flourescent bulb.
  24. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    what do you mean by a compact flourescent bulb in that fixture?? isnt there already one in there though? im a little confused right now ? ? the light has a metal reflector behind the light.. its like a v shape. where would a good place be to get plants that you have suggested?? online most...
  25. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    I want to replace the lighting but could someone give me an idea on where to start... are we talking about adding a whole new lighting fixture or just putting in a new bulb into the one i already have? here are some pictures of what it looks like.. *** i found this from another forum...
  26. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    I have zero clue on what kind of spectrum the bulb is... i know its the standard buld.. it has a twin flouresent buld each says 16 watt.. and the tank is 13 gallons not 15 i checked on petsmart... if i were to add more light how could i go about doing that.. this tank has a weird hood on it. i...
  27. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

  28. Snake42490

    New Planted Tank!

    Hey everyone.. I have had my qt tank for a few months until i decided to change it today.its a 15 gallon tank that has been housing some fry in it for about a month now until i switched my qt tank to another tank so i decided i would do something fun with it.. its been cycled and had fish in it...
  29. Snake42490

    All I Can Say Is This Is Weird.

    Ok so i took the fish back and got new ones. i talked to the guy at the store and he knew what it was instantly. He said every night they spary the lids and glass with ammonia and glass cleaner.. whiile she was bagging the fish one fish was still left in the container so she poured some water...
  30. Snake42490

    All I Can Say Is This Is Weird.

    Well the fish are still alive haha! i checked! the corys are eating up a storm. the rasbora is just hanging out not really bothering anyone. will be taking them back today. wonder if the same thing will happen. I will keep in touch
  31. Snake42490

    1st Time Attempt At Breeding Syno Petricola.

    So the time has come.. Ive been waiting a little over a year thinking when my synos will attempt to spawn.. and sure enough I think i have 3 females and 3 males haha.. lucky me. anyway It seems like its everyweek they get extremely fat then poof... skinny again. its been on going for the past...
  32. Snake42490

    All I Can Say Is This Is Weird.

    Ok so I had the weirdest thing happen to me today. and i still have absolutely no clue what happened.. Thought maybe someone here could put an end to it. Anyway I went to our Local pet store and got 3 Harelequin Rasboras and 3 Juli Corys to add to my group i have. Over the past couple months ive...
  33. Snake42490

    Does Any One Have Cynotilapia Afra Cobwe`s?

    Speaking of.. haha i just got 7 of these little guys off of aquabid(Cynotilapia Afra cobue mozambique) about a month and a half ago. they are awesome. great personality. Mine are probably reaching an inch. I find them to color up during feeding. its really weird. but other than that they have a...
  34. Snake42490

    Do I Just Have Bad Luck? This Is Ridiculous.

    I have just about been fed up with my filters. first off i get a new xp3 for my old one that blew a seal and leaked my whole tank on my floor. so tonight i do a water change. and sure enough 1 of my filters is leaking and the other isnt running. take apart get both fixed. the one that was...
  35. Snake42490

    My Madagascans Have Eggs

    Beautiful fish. Hope you can get some of those eggs out. soundsl ike you have a little project on your hands haha. Good luck with everything :good:
  36. Snake42490

    Updated Pictures Of My Tanks

    I ended up paying 75 US $$ with shipping and all. They were worth it haha..
  37. Snake42490

    Updated Pictures Of My Tanks

    I have 6 Syno Petricola. They are such an amazing fish to watch.. they are darting all over the place.. they were very shy at first but now mine will come up and feed from my hand. ill find a pic with all of them out and about
  38. Snake42490

    Pictures Of New (additions)

    good question i have no idea.. My other one was like that so im assuming so? Maybe someone else could answer that. I find it so interesting the difference in personalities. My last one would come up and eat out of my hand and what not.. this one has like some attitude with me haha.. both unique...