All I Can Say Is This Is Weird.


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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Ok so I had the weirdest thing happen to me today. and i still have absolutely no clue what happened.. Thought maybe someone here could put an end to it. Anyway I went to our Local pet store and got 3 Harelequin Rasboras and 3 Juli Corys to add to my group i have. Over the past couple months ive had some jump out of the tank so i thought i would get their numbers up again. anyway. I had the lady get the fish. everything went well I never noticed anything. Healthy looking fish I watched them for a good 15 min. and have seen them for previous weeks so they have been at the store for a while. So she bags both the fish in the same bag. I purchase the fish and go out to my car. Started driving home, im only about 3 minutes away from the store. Get home and look and the fish are pale. 2 dead. floating upside down??? This is not clicking. Something had to happen on the stores part. no way oxygen was a problem. I opened the bag and I mean it smelled like sewer.
But at the store i didnt notice that.. an hour latter and its still smelling in my bathroom. anyway. Im very confused by all of this. I knew they were screwed if i kept them in the container so i just put them in the qt tank without acclimating. the 3 cories are fine and the 1 rasbora that made it is doing fine. sooooo.... haha
i would of took them back to the shop in unopened bag if they were dead in lless than 5 mins after getting them there must be a serious problem!!!!
Could have been something in the bag itself and not the tank water, there could have been a contaminent in the bag.

You should have taken em back to the shop as soon as you saw that some of the fish were distressed / dead.

Too late now but do keep an eye on the others to make sure that they weren't contaminated with whatever was polluting their bag water.
Hard to know... I heard about an LFS that kept all the nets used for catching fish in a bucket of water under the tanks, netted a dead fish and then a customer came in so they dumped the net with dead fish into the bucket and forgot about it. The fish decomposed and the nets used to catch fish, complete with dead fish juice, put the disease in most of their tanks.
Well the fish are still alive haha! i checked! the corys are eating up a storm. the rasbora is just hanging out not really bothering anyone. will be taking them back today. wonder if the same thing will happen. I will keep in touch
Ok so i took the fish back and got new ones. i talked to the guy at the store and he knew what it was instantly. He said every night they spary the lids and glass with ammonia and glass cleaner.. whiile she was bagging the fish one fish was still left in the container so she poured some water back in then back into the bag. but while she was doing that some water got on the lid and when in the bag. When i brought the others ones home i had no problems! who knows
You should've turned your car around and taken those fish back.
I was going to say if it smelled like rotten eggs, maybe they could've used a dechlorinator like Prime. That stuff smells godaweful.

I hope you at least got a refund for the 2 fish that died.
I agree.
Rotten egg smell is bad bacteria.

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