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  1. C

    Cycled Or Not?

    Hi, update now, i added ammonia again on 14th as suggested and yesterday readings showed 0 ammonia and nitrates also at 0. Added ammonia again and have this afternoon and both ammonia and nitrates at 0, does this mean the tank is now cycled and is ok to add fish? I am away on holiday in 4...
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    Cycled Or Not?

    Ok, many thanks... Jane
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    Cycled Or Not?

    hi, thanks for reply, Nitrite test only goes up to 5ppm and the water test was darker than 5. When i tested yesterday (24 hrs after adding ammonia to 5ppm) I only did nitrite test as had run out of ammonia test kit and the nitrates were showing at 0.25ppm, today bought new ammonia test kit and...
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    Cycled Or Not?

    Hi, further to my post above, i managed to track down some pure ammonia at the weekend so on Saturday i added enough to take the reading to 5. Today i tested and ammonia is at 0 and nitrates are off the scale. Do i add ammonia again to take the reading up again? many thanks in advance Jane
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    Cycled Or Not?

    Hi, The source of ammonia i used from the start was a small handful of fish food in a stocking end and waited for it to rot. Where i live it is very very difficult to find ammonia in a bottle and used this method when i set up my first tank 3 yrs ago. The rotting fish food worked well and water...
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    Cycled Or Not?

    I have just tested the new and old combined water
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    Cycled Or Not?

    I set up a new rio 120 tank 5 weeks ago and went through the fishless cycle, last week the reading were Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 and Nitrates 10. At the beginning of the week an electrician turned up to put in more electrical sockets which involved drilling and knocking holes in the wall, i had...
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    Sick Betta

    Ok, many thanks for your reply. I will start from scratch and wait until my son is ready for another betta. Thanks once again for everyones help/advise over the past few days Jane
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    Sick Betta

    Hi, Son was devastated this morning and says he doesnt EVER want another one.. I'm sure he will change his mind at some stage. I floated the bag for about half an hour and then added small amounts of the tank water to his bag ever 20 minutes after. I will check with the lfs for their PH for...
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    Sick Betta

    Hi, No need to apologise for asking the question, Although with my lack of info, i don't think i'd be any help for other betta lovers. He died during the salt bath which made me feel a bit guilty for putting him in it!, It didnt stress him at all by catching him as he was able to be scooped up...
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    Sick Betta

    Sadly he didnt make it..!! Thanks to everyone that offered help Jane
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    Sick Betta

    Ah, i have a loach in the community tank, along with corydoras plus the fish i mentioned in a previous message... Ok, i will go for transferring him to a salt bath for an hour to see how he gets on, he seems very relaxed so hopefully shouldnt be a problem ..... here's hoping!! Will report back...
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    Sick Betta

    Now theres a problem...... Ive just called a friend who has fish and theyve never seen it either! I still need to know if shrimps and my snail will be ok in community tank... anyone ?? please let me know..... need to do something soon Jane
  14. C

    Sick Betta

    B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 16 2007, 09:01 PM) 1693123 Oh boy, I'm going through a case of the popeye thing with 2 of my females before it became popeye.... caught it very early. Okay, definitely isolate your guy. Get him started on: Maracyn and Maracyn 2 Ok Lynda, Thanks.... I wont be able to...
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    Sick Betta

    Ok, so going on from that, will my apple snail and shrimps be ok in a community tank with guppy's platys, female swords and danio's? I've had apple snails in the big tank before but everytime they came out for a walkaround the male sword i had then nibbled at their tentacles! Id hate that to...
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    Sick Betta

    Thank you again for replies, I will keep him in the tank then unless someone suggests to remove for salt treatment. Lights are now off, I read somewhere they are ok without a filter, is it worth switching that off and just adding air stone with a pump as i have a spare from my other tank. Or...
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    Sick Betta

    Thanks for more replies, The prawn didnt work and he is now slightly on his side at the top of the tank. I do have aquarium salt, but would this affect the shrimp and apple snail or should i take him out and put him in a separate container? If so, for how long and how big should the container...
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  20. C

    Sick Betta

    Thanks for replys: Not sure how old he is, I have had him for about 10 days and bought him from my lfs who i always puchase from (i also have a 100Litre community tank). The filter i have is a stingray 5 which is quite gentle, and only causes a little bit of a current. He was up at the top...
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    Sick Betta

    Can anyone offer advise quickly please I have a fairly new 5 uk gallon tank set up, did a fishless cycle and after 6 weeks i added a betta. He seemed ok for a few days but over the last couple of days he has absolutely no life in him whatsoever, He has 3 shrimps and an apple snail in the tank...
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    Betta Problem

    Can anyone offer advise quickly please I have a fairly new 5 uk gallon tank set up, did a fishless cycle and after 6 weeks i added a betta. He seemed ok for a few days but over the last couple of days he has absolutely no life in him whatsoever, He has 3 shrimps and an apple snail in the tank...
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    Many thanks Wilder, LFS dont stock it so will look further afield tomorrow, will turn temp down in the meantime Thanks again
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    Hi, I have had a fungal infection in my tank for just over a month now and have lost loads of fish, i have been treating with Interpet NO 8 Anti Fungus and Finrot. I have been treating the tank weekly and doing a 30% water change before adding the treatment again. I thought it had cleared up as...
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  26. C

    Problem With Cory

    Sadly he didnt make it, I had a feeling he wasnt going to make it as he went from his pink colour to being white and transparent. The other fish look healthy so hopefully whatever it was hasnt affected the other fish. Thanks for your replys Jane
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    Problem With Cory

    There is no sore visible, this is what makes me wonder what it is, He is still in the fry tank and swimming around quite happily but he has lost his pinky colour and gone very pale, another thing i have noticed since last night is a very black spot (almost like a gravid spot) Im not sure if it...
  28. C

    Problem With Cory

    Thanks for reply, Ive been keeping a close watch and he doesnt appear to be being picked on, even when he was lying on his back he was left alone. His tank mates consist of 3 other cory's, guppies, mollies, neons and platties.. Just a few of each and tank is not overstocked. I put him in the fry...
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    Problem With Cory

    Hi, I have an albino cory who for the last couple of days has been lying upside down on occasion at the bottom of the tank. He seems to be eating fine and has always swam around the tank with the other fish and rarely sat on the bottom like the other cory's. I noticed last night that its front...
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    Pure Ammonia

    I was given that link when i was asking about where to buy ammonia, I tried Boots and other pharmacies plus every DIY place (Homebase, Focus etc) I even drove 2 counties away to hunt for some but no luck. I assume that us Country bumpkins arent on the delivery lists lol One thing that has...
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    Pure Ammonia

    Hi, I wasnt able to locate any pure ammonia either (south west UK), was kindly advised by people on this board to use fish food flakes in a stocking end and submerge in the water. I added a fistful and once rotted i was advised to squeeze into the tank. Sure enough i tested and ammonia was...
  32. C

    Bullying Fish? Please Help Asap

    thanks very much for your reply, i will get 3 females tomorrow, the tank is fairly well planted but plants have a fair bit of growth to do yet, It has however found a hiding spot and seems quite happy for now. Thanks again
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    Bullying Fish? Please Help Asap

    Hi, thanks for your reply, after looking at the pictures you offered they are definately both males. The tank is a 40 (uk) gallon one and as yet are the only 2 fish in there as it is newly set up and cycled. They came from my sons 4gallon tank where they always seemed happy together. Im off to...
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    Bullying Fish? Please Help Asap

    I have a platy and a molly in my tank that for the last couple of weeks have been practically joined at the hip and got along fine. All of a sudden over the last couple of days the molly has started going mad and swimming around the platty and slapping it in the face with its tail, I dont know...
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    New Tank, Cycling Question

    Decaying food releases ammonia so i have been adding a fairly large amount daily... is obviously working as ammonia is now present Jane
  36. C

    New Tank, Cycling Question

    Thanks for your responses..... Marcos:..... Re the source of ammonia, i was advised that the combination of rotting fish food and the stocking of gravel from sons tank would work the same but the process would be slower. I didnt really want to go down the route of adding hardy fish as i'm a big...
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    New Tank, Cycling Question

    I don't think biospira is available in the UK, is it? Have been searching but doesnt look like it, will put some of substance from sons tank and keep adding the flaked fish food. Thanks for reply, Jane
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    New Tank, Cycling Question

    Hi, thanks for your responses, Homebase was where i tried first but our branch doesnt stock it, i tried b&q, focus, wicks (tried them all in 2 different towns) my local hardware shop doesnt sell it either. Ill take some of the substrate out of my sons tank but cant take too much as he only has a...
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    New Tank, Cycling Question

    Hi, Just joined this forum after finding that there are so many experienced and helpful people on here, so hope you don't mind another newbie firing questions at you. My son has a 5 gallon tank with a few fish in and ive become addicted to his hobby so treated myself to a fluval duo deep 600...