Pure Ammonia

Actually telling where your from will help, there is not a Cub Foods all around the world, even though there is one near me!
Hi, I wasnt able to locate any pure ammonia either (south west UK), was kindly advised by people on this board to use fish food flakes in a stocking end and submerge in the water. I added a fistful and once rotted i was advised to squeeze into the tank. Sure enough i tested and ammonia was present, added a second amount and the cycle started. Worked for me anyway, Hope this helps :)
thank chuckie that the best news i had all day i when to all the chemist.1
will start this 1st thing nice one
for got to tell you im on the whisky now i was on ebay and got outbid
on to discus books "not happy now "
heya try this link, should help

I was given that link when i was asking about where to buy ammonia, I tried Boots and other pharmacies plus every DIY place (Homebase, Focus etc) I even drove 2 counties away to hunt for some but no luck. I assume that us Country bumpkins arent on the delivery lists lol

One thing that has always baffled me is that if it is needed for a fishless cycle, why don't fish shops stock it?? Any suggestions??
how must ammonia do i put in to my tank 425 litres tank
96 litres tank

Depends on concentration of the ammonia in the solution (i.e. if you've got pure stuff (hard to come by) or 10% aqueous solution - what Homebase etc sell). End result is you need to get your ammonia concentration in your tank to approximately 5ppm. A bit of maths should get you to how much you need based on tank volume, ppm required and the concentration of the ammonia (written on the bottle hopefully).
I dont think you wanna use "pure" ammonia, you'll kill yourself. Im sure there is an ammonia based solution for cycleing thogh.
i bought jeyes ammonia from Wilkinson. They also had it stocked at my local hardware store.
I have never not found it as homebase. In all 3 local stores which I have visited regularly on various other DIY escapades I have seen it. If you asked one of the acne faced morons who work in these places they probably wouldnt have a clue where it was. Most homebases have a small shelf section of home cleaning products like brasso, oven cleaner, bleach. That is where you will find Homebase household ammonia for £1.99 a bottle.
I have never not found it as homebase. In all 3 local stores which I have visited regularly on various other DIY escapades I have seen it. If you asked one of the acne faced morons who work in these places they probably wouldnt have a clue where it was. Most homebases have a small shelf section of home cleaning products like brasso, oven cleaner, bleach. That is where you will find Homebase household ammonia for £1.99 a bottle.
Homebase is where I got mine (for my new, 2nd tank!!!).

when I asked they said they didn't stock it, I looked anyway and walked away with a 500ml bottle!

Homebase is your best bet, but don't ask, just look.


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