Sick Betta

Oh boy, I'm going through a case of the popeye thing with 2 of my females before it became popeye.... caught it very early. Okay, definitely isolate your guy. Get him started on:

Maracyn and Maracyn 2
B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 16 2007, 09:01 PM) [snapback]1693123[/snapback]
Oh boy, I'm going through a case of the popeye thing with 2 of my females before it became popeye.... caught it very early. Okay, definitely isolate your guy. Get him started on:

Maracyn and Maracyn 2[/quote]

Ok Lynda, Thanks....

I wont be able to get that until tomorrow afternoon after work, I read just now that salt is a good start, im still unsure whether i should put him in another container for a salt bath for an hour (according to the other site) or to take out the shrimps and snail and treat him in there.

I really do thank you for all your help, perhaps you could answer the above so i can help him one way or the other
Thanks again in advance
Well, I'll tell you now that the easiest way to dose with maracyn is in a 10 gallon. Do you have one available? If not, keep him where he is. Do a water change now and add your salt. 1 tspn per gallon. Pick up the M and M2 tomorrow and start him on treatment. Don't worry about feeding him either. If he's not interested, that's fine. The food would pollute his water anyway, if he's not eating. It's best to have some water current with the M and M2. If you have a slow filter, that's great. But remove any carbon from it. That will absorb the meds.

Keep me posted.
Is maracyn available in the UK???? Just ask because i've never noticed it....

Now theres a problem...... Ive just called a friend who has fish and theyve never seen it either!

I still need to know if shrimps and my snail will be ok in community tank... anyone ?? please let me know..... need to do something soon

Not sure about the meds in the UK. I think Interpet is big over there (not available over here). It depends on what fish are in the community tank as to whether the snails and shrimp will be ok in it or not. Snails and loaches for example don't mix as snails become dinner.
Not sure about the meds in the UK. I think Interpet is big over there (not available over here). It depends on what fish are in the community tank as to whether the snails and shrimp will be ok in it or not. Snails and loaches for example don't mix as snails become dinner.

Ah, i have a loach in the community tank, along with corydoras plus the fish i mentioned in a previous message...

Ok, i will go for transferring him to a salt bath for an hour to see how he gets on, he seems very relaxed so hopefully shouldnt be a problem ..... here's hoping!!

Will report back later or tomorrow, I really do appreciate all replies
Many thanks
Thats a shame.
:rip: Betta.
Hope your son is Ok (and yourself...)
Sorry that nothing more could be done.
Sorry to hear that. :rip:

I have a thread by the exact same title (Sick Betta) and I expect to lose him soon also. I think mine is definitely from age although your's seems to be doing the same thing as mine. I have treated the tank twice now with an internal parasite med but I can't tell any change in him. I even put brine shrimp in this morning and they floated right down on top of him but he hasn't touched them. I think the end is near.
Sorry if this question seems a bit morbid but i'm trying to work out what caused it.
Ignore me if i'm talking out of place.
Did it die soon after, or during the salt bath?
Do you know your tanks PH?
Really sorry to ask those questions but i think it may help me help other Betta lovers when/if they encounter problems.

I think the original cause, looking at the signs, was probably an environmental cause but (i think) the next likeliest culprit would be a bacterial infection.

I would, if you are considering a new Betta, rehouse the snails and shrimp and put the tank through a course of anti-bacterial treatment.
germ brings up a very good point about disinfecting the tank..... I'm so sorry that you lost him. You definitely had his best interest at heart. I wish that we'd just been able to narrow it down more for you. It's always nice to know what the cause was.
Sorry if this question seems a bit morbid but i'm trying to work out what caused it.
Ignore me if i'm talking out of place.
Did it die soon after, or during the salt bath?
Do you know your tanks PH?
Really sorry to ask those questions but i think it may help me help other Betta lovers when/if they encounter problems.

I think the original cause, looking at the signs, was probably an environmental cause but (i think) the next likeliest culprit would be a bacterial infection.

I would, if you are considering a new Betta, rehouse the snails and shrimp and put the tank through a course of anti-bacterial treatment.

Hi, No need to apologise for asking the question, Although with my lack of info, i don't think i'd be any help for other betta lovers.

He died during the salt bath which made me feel a bit guilty for putting him in it!, It didnt stress him at all by catching him as he was able to be scooped up by the net without fuss. He seemed to be ok for about half an hour and oddly enough even seemed to appear more 'blue' in colour like he should be but then he just seemed to go still and pass away. I inspected him closely but could find no visable signs of anything wrong.. oddly enough, his enlarged eye was the normal size again so no idea what happened there!

The PH is 7.6 and he came from a fish shop in the same town so i would imagine the ph is the same?
My other tank is 7.6 also and has been running for a couple of years now.

I will follow your advise should we get another betta but will see what my young son feels about it, He has yet to be told as he died past his bedtime so im not looking forward to breaking the news as you can imagine.

I would once again like to thank everyone for the advise given, this is a great site with great helpers

Jane, don't feel guilty about the salt bath. I think it was just his time. Salt is a betta's friend. It wouldn't have shocked him into death.

If you do decide to get another betta, be sure to tell the store that you want a young one. Or, check and see if there are any fish clubs near you where you might purchase one. Then you'll know it's healthy stock and young. You might even find one here in this forum to purchase.
Instead of feeling guilty, you should probably feel good that he isnt suffering any more. If he had lost his color and wasn't eating, it was only a matter of time. I am struggling with whether I need to euthanize mine since he hasn't moved from the bottom (laying on his side) all day and hasn't eaten any of the brine shrimp I put in this morning and there are 3 or 4 laying on the bottom right beside him.

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