Sick Betta


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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Somerset, UK
Can anyone offer advise quickly please
I have a fairly new 5 uk gallon tank set up, did a fishless cycle and after 6 weeks i added a betta. He seemed ok for a few days but over the last couple of days he has absolutely no life in him whatsoever, He has 3 shrimps and an apple snail in the tank and they all seem ok with each other. I havent seen him eat since i had him and ive tried beta pellets, flake food and even a pea!!
Half the time he looks as if he's passed away and then he moves a bit then stops again.
Tank stats are ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 and Nitrates 10. Temperature is at 26 (79f)i did a 50% water change earlier but he is just sitting at the bottom completely lifeless.

Can anyone offer any advice please as he is my young son's who would be devestated if he died (same here!!)
Many thanks
Not a great deal of symptoms, how old is the betta?
Did you have him before adding him to the new tank? Or bought him to add to it once cycled?
If so from where?
If he is undernourished try some defrosted prawn. Only a small bit though.
Another question, does your filter disturb the waters surface and do you have a breeeding trap?
In addition, try reducing the water level so he doean't have to struggle to get to the top to get air.
Do you possibly have a picture? Can't really help with the information given, I'm afraid.
I had a male betta that it ends up was a few years old, by the time I got him. He never quite recovered from being shipped. Had a 7 1/2 gallon area to call his own but almost never ate, never swam, just rested. I just lost him this past week. But, in his case, he wasn't sick, so I couldn't treat him with anything.

Do you use aquarium salt in your betta tank? Or, can you not because of the shrimp and snail. You may want to isolate him and put 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt in for every gallon of water. Might revive him.
I've tried PM'ing the OP, no reply, thinking maybe she needs to press F5 or is away from the computer ATM....
Thanks for replys:

Not sure how old he is, I have had him for about 10 days and bought him from my lfs who i always puchase from (i also have a 100Litre community tank).

The filter i have is a stingray 5 which is quite gentle, and only causes a little bit of a current.

He was up at the top of the tank just now where he blows a bubble of 2 then basically sinks slowly back down to the bottom again. He doesnt seem to struggle to get to the top.

I have also noticed that he has got really pale in colour, he was a bright blue to start with but now the blue is only on his fins and his body is very pale.

Am off to get prawns and see if he will eat a bit so will report back soon

Many thanks and please feel free to offer more suggestions
You have decorations such as caves and plants in the tank for him to interact with?

I know my bettas don't move much, however mine are getting older. Bettas are slow movers ofte, they are not like zebra danios in a tank. He may still be trying to adjust to the tank. How long do you leave a light on near the tank?
Lose of color is a sign of stress and/or disease. Are there any signs of injury or things hanging from him that could be parasites?
Thanks for more replies, The prawn didnt work and he is now slightly on his side at the top of the tank. I do have aquarium salt, but would this affect the shrimp and apple snail or should i take him out and put him in a separate container? If so, for how long and how big should the container be?

Ive been able to see him closely and am unable to see anything externally wrong and no parasites seem to be visable.

he has caves and plants to hide in if he wishes but seems to be more out in the open.

The light is only on for about 5 hrs in the evening

I have attached a couple of pics, not sure how well they will come out though
Many thanks for your help


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I dont have snails but don't think salt would be a good idea with them since that is how I kill slugs in the back yard. Hopefully, someone else will be able to offer more advise on how to treat him.
I'm at a loss, i really wish i could help but my betta knowledge is limited and the symptoms are pretty much non-specific signs associated with a huge range of illnesses.
If it was me i'd leave the lights off, make sure the water is well aerated, get the water level down to about half way and probably add a general medication. But the addition of a treatment and the removal of water could further upset the fish, thats just the way i personally would handle it.
I'd wait for some help from a knowledgable Betta keeper if i was you.
Extremely sorry i couldn't be of more help, good luck to you and your fish.
ps; Is the anus inflamed, red, sore looking at all? Any scales that appear to be sticking up mildy? Any slight distortion of his stomach?
Important question... what colour is it inside of his gills?
Thank you again for replies, I will keep him in the tank then unless someone suggests to remove for salt treatment. Lights are now off, I read somewhere they are ok without a filter, is it worth switching that off and just adding air stone with a pump as i have a spare from my other tank. Or continue with the filter which is making gentle movement at the top of the tank?

The anus is not sore, red or imflamed and no scales seem to be sticking up nor is there any distortion of his stomach.

Reference your important question. The colour on the inside of his gills is black, they were this colour when i purchased him 10 days ago....

Many thanks again to all advisors
The aquarium salt will definitely help him insofar as bettas really need the salt to obtain optimum health. I'm thinking you can't have it with your snail and shrimp. I'd remove them just to be sure. Your guy should have salt all the time. Not just when he's sick.

Some bettas just don't acclimate well. Especially as they get older. And old could be 2 - 3 years of age. They really have a short life span.
Ok, so going on from that, will my apple snail and shrimps be ok in a community tank with guppy's platys, female swords and danio's?

I've had apple snails in the big tank before but everytime they came out for a walkaround the male sword i had then nibbled at their tentacles! Id hate that to happen with any of the other fish however i want to be able to give the betta the best possible treatment.

Ive also noticed now that my betta has one eye which seems slightly more enlarged than the other (almost like another lid)...

I have added esha 2000 to the tank in case but fear the worst may happen by the morning. Should i remove the snail and shrimps and try the salt treatment. Sorry for asking so many questions but ive got quite attached to the little fella and can't bear to see him like this
Many thanks in advance

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