

New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Somerset, UK
Hi, I have had a fungal infection in my tank for just over a month now and have lost loads of fish, i have been treating with Interpet NO 8 Anti Fungus and Finrot. I have been treating the tank weekly and doing a 30% water change before adding the treatment again. I thought it had cleared up as no fish losses for couple of weeks now but have just noticed a neon with a couple of fungal spots on it, they are little white patches and it has a couple on each side of the body
Is there anything else i can add to the tank before the disease wipes out the rest of my fish
Many thanks

Ive attempted to attach a pic which should show the tetra, never done this before so not sure if it'll work!!! tetra.jpg

Tank size: 84 L
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
tank temp:25
Forget the interpet med it no good on columnaris.
Turn temp down as columnaris thrives in warmer temps about 2 degrees for now.
Myxazin and pimafix.
Forget the interpet med it no good on columnaris.
Turn temp down as columnaris thrives in warmer temps about 2 degrees for now.
Myxazin and pimafix.

Many thanks Wilder, LFS dont stock it so will look further afield tomorrow, will turn temp down in the meantime

Thanks again
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet then and pimafix.
Good luck.

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