Problem With Cory


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Somerset, UK
Hi, I have an albino cory who for the last couple of days has been lying upside down on occasion at the bottom of the tank. He seems to be eating fine and has always swam around the tank with the other fish and rarely sat on the bottom like the other cory's. I noticed last night that its front fins are practically gone. He seems to swim around happily most of the time but when he rests on the bottom he lays on his back !!

I put him in a fry tank last night and for some reason he remains upright. The tank has smooth gravel and the other corys seem fine on it. Ive added a tonic but not sure what else to do? Could someone offer some advise please.

The water stats are ok with 0 ammonia,nitrite and nitrate of 9. He is in a community tank which is not overstocked and all the other fish (including 3 other corys) are fine.

Any advise welcome
Thanks for reply, Ive been keeping a close watch and he doesnt appear to be being picked on, even when he was lying on his back he was left alone. His tank mates consist of 3 other cory's, guppies, mollies, neons and platties.. Just a few of each and tank is not overstocked. I put him in the fry tank last night and put him back in main tank this morning, seemed happy enough swimming with the other fish but when resting he went to the bottom and turned onto his back again. Ive put him back in the fry tank again and he seems to be remaining upright again. Its almost as if he has a sore tummy and finds it uncomfortable on his front but no redness is visible. He looks fine except for being finless, he is a much paler colour than the other corys but he's been that colour for months now (he's also the smallest of the them all) Im at a loss what to do as i obviously dont want to keep him in the fry tank for days on end but also dont want him to be suffering

Any further advise would be appreciated

PS... the fry tank im using is one of the net ones in the main tank, not a completely separate tank as it may have read in my first post.. Hence why i thought he may be more comfortable as he is sitting on net, not the gravel
Corys are prone to bacterial infections and he has one.
Sadly he sounds like he's not going to make it advanced to far sorry.
The sore does it look like bleeding beneath the skin.
There is no sore visible, this is what makes me wonder what it is, He is still in the fry tank and swimming around quite happily but he has lost his pinky colour and gone very pale, another thing i have noticed since last night is a very black spot (almost like a gravid spot) Im not sure if it is just now visible as he is so pale... Should i give him a day or 2 more to see how he goes or should i put him to sleep in case he is suffering?

Many thanks for replys so far
Can you issolate him and try a bacterial med.
Sadly he didnt make it, I had a feeling he wasnt going to make it as he went from his pink colour to being white and transparent. The other fish look healthy so hopefully whatever it was hasnt affected the other fish.

Thanks for your replys

Bless him.
Sorry you lost him.

Ive lost a cory today along with a neon. Woke up thismorning to find them dead. I also found that one of penguin tetras fins has been torn. This aside I spent ages observing the tank and I think the culpret is the female mollie. She is quite a bully normaly chasing and harrasing the others. After watching her today she seems to be a bit more agressive and ramming into the sides of the other fish. Not sure whats going off with her. Even the male mollie is staying clear of her.

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