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  1. M

    How Do Filters Work?

    Heylo guys!!! :D Just had to get a new filter cuz my fluval 2 randomly stopped! Motors workin n everythin but it wasnt suckin water in or squirtin it out. Anoyin as hell cuz fluval 2s arent tht cheap. Anyway besides that i have got another internal filter, not fluval. They didn't have any...
  2. M

    Best Plants For 15 Gallon?

    Hey ya'll Got a 2ft with a goldfish and weather loach + wondered if anyone could suggest plants for them? Looks kinda boring without much greenery - sure you all empathise :crazy: Have some Java in there i think and it anoys the hell outta me the way theres the green stuff over the ickle...
  3. M

    Fish Are Us!

    Hey ya'll Haven't posted for a while, busy being fascinated with newly aqquired weather loach - very active! Mucho interesante! :hyper: :hyper: Anyways been going there for a while now and just wanted to point out that the fish store 'Fish are us' just rocks. . All the guys there know so...
  4. M

    Why Are Bigger Tanks Easier?

    Hey, simple question. . dad has a small 2-5 gal or somethin n i was tellin him to get a bigger tank but could not think of a reason why apart from disease spreads slower. . :/ Can all you experts tell me why so i can tryn persuade him? Thanks dudes - Enthusiast -
  5. M

    Minimum Tank Size For Betta?

    Hey, recently went to my lfs and they had quite a lot of really healthy looking siamese fighting fish and other varieties of bettas! n they just basically looked beautiful. I do love the dark blue n pinky-red ones. . . sigh. . . :drool: Anyway, am now set out to get a smallish tank because i...
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    Bbc Planet Earth

    OH MY GOD IT WAS AWESOME!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :D :D :D :rolleyes: You have to admit you'd love to freefall down that 1000 meter drop!!! Would be so awesome!!! I think all the fish looked great n cute, interestin invertibrates with the fan type thingis on their feet Sheesh did...
  7. M

    Dads Platys. . . What Do Ya Think N What Else?

    yep exactly right!!! If anyone looks in the argos catalogue its that one lol - i think it is 4-5 gal yeah, 14 litres i think :/ They are two females, dad isnt sure about gettin a male because he has no other tank for fry and doesnt exactly want to breed them. . . Thanks for that advice ...
  8. M

    Possible Tank? Or No Point. . .

    not even a small goldfish? i was thinkin i could due to the large surface area, perhaps some small coldwater fish like white cloud minnows or somethin - onli probz is theyr so small it wdnt look that good from above. . . thanks so far mates!!!
  9. M

    Possible Tank? Or No Point. . .

    could one please elaborate? cnt wait!!! lol i hope it does work out. I might get a cheap fish that is hardy such as a goldfish and see if it survives. . . i hope so . . . it would be so awesome. . I could have it for a huge fry tank? lol
  10. M

    Possible Tank? Or No Point. . .

    theres loadsa surface area as you can see, anyone have any suggestions? a few goldfish? lol. cnt wait to get suggestions hint hint lol God i'm gna need loadsa gravel if i get some lol. . .
  11. M

    Possible Tank? Or No Point. . .

    Hey, just found a 43 litre storage thingi (9.46 uk gal) - just wondering weather it could be made into some sort of tank or it would be a awste of time. . . Father reckons waste of time but i'm enthusiastic -_-' lol :lol: the probz is the sides arnt see-thru (translucent) as you can see in the...
  12. M

    Dads Platys. . . What Do Ya Think N What Else?

    Heya!!! This is the Enthusiast again.. . Here's some pics of my dads tank with his new platyz!!! Not sure which type they are but they are black and orange as you can see :) :) what do you think? Any suggestions on what else he could put in? :hyper:
  13. M

    Goldfish + Triops/sea Monkeys?

    ok thanks a lot. . . I hope the goldfish enjoys them - neer had somethin live b4 - shd b exctin lol - will give u an update on what happens n how they grow lol :drool: :crazy: :blink: :huh: :D :lol: :rolleyes: :thumbs: - Enthusiast - B)
  14. M

    Goldfish + Triops/sea Monkeys?

    hey, getting some triops for my puny 4 litre cuz they look kinda amuzin. . . :lol: If i ever wanted to could i transfer some to my 15 gallon with the goldfish? :huh: Would it enjoy them as a nice treat or could they escape the mighty jaws he he. . . :P It would be kinda fun watching my...
  15. M

    What Are Triops?

    Hey, some people have suggested some triops in my 4 litre tank :blink: What are they? lol - Just wonderin so i cn think about getting some. . . :thumbs: Thanks a lot guys - Enthusiast -
  16. M

    How Old Are You! Im Being Nosey Lol

    16 and first to say it mewha!!! lol Me > :D :D it's nice to see the age difference!!!! :D :D I turn 17 in september - wonder if my goldfish will live till then :sly: Hope everyone's ok!!! :nod: - Enthusiast -
  17. M

    Turtle Tank?

    WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou so much for the info!!!!! I never expected this much detail - u 2 are so amazin lol!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :thumbs: :thumbs: :hyper: :hyper: Thanks again and again and again and again and again. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  18. M

    Turtle Tank?

    Been reading loads of posts on how cute turtles are, etc. . . and i am kinda persuaded to get some :unsure: Can someone tell me about how much they are and what the tank setup should be? i basically need all the info i can get from you guys!!! Please post pics!!! that would be awesome...
  19. M

    .88 Gallon - 4 Litres - What Plants?

    hey this is the small 4 litre tank :D And this is me lol :hyper: :blink: THE ENTHUSIAST!!!! > arnt u thrild lol anyone suggest anything else to put in it? :thumbs: :thumbs: - Enthusiast - :thumbs: :thumbs: will use a desk lamp shining from the top and get an airstone filter if...
  20. M

    .88 Gallon - 4 Litres - What Plants?

    Hey, just found one of those old goldfish starter tanks that u could get and i can't just leave it there! Thinkin that any fish would be cruel unless you can suggest otherwise? Can you geniuses please suggest plants that i could get and how to care for them? i think a little bit of gravel...
  21. M

    Can Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms And Daphnia Co - Exist?

    blackworms? what are they and where can i get them from because i don't recall seeing them in fish shops around. . .. info would be appreciated as my .88 gallon is waiting for some inhabitants. . . Thanks a lot - Enthusuast - :thumbs:
  22. M

    Can Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms And Daphnia Co - Exist?

    thanks a lot, might just see if i can get some daphnia then as midges dont seem such a good idea lol I love getting really helpful info like that from people!!! by the way i live in birmingham england and it isnt exactly warm round here lol :D Thanks again dude! - Enthusiast - :thumbs:
  23. M

    Just Found A One Gallon. . . What To Do?

    maybe triops eat brine shrimp? ok thanks tolak perhaps i wont keep brine shrimp. . . Love u all you give such good advice!!!!! - Enthusiast -
  24. M

    Can Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms And Daphnia Co - Exist?

    question is in the name!!! I'm thinkin about startin an awesome little nursery in a small one gallon tank that you got back in the day for goldfish starters. . .remember? lol So can they, or one or the other etc - tis just they are obviously quite cheap and it would be kinda cute seeing them...
  25. M

    Just Found A One Gallon. . . What To Do?

    what do you feed brine shrimp lol - i might be tempted to put a fish in there and watch the massacre though lol he he it would be kinda cool having a tank full of puny brine shrimp, bloodworms and perhaps daphnia - would that work? could they co - exist? :thumbs: PLEASE tell as i really wana...
  26. M

    Just Found A One Gallon. . . What To Do?

    bbs? - please elaborate :crazy: i think i will go for a few plants. . . see how good i am at keeping them - anyone know any good tips? :blink: as i am a complete amateur about the whole plants thing and before you say i will post it on the plants bit lol :D thanks a lot for suggestions so...
  27. M

    Just Found A One Gallon. . . What To Do?

    i might just get a few plants an a couple of flowers so it looks pretty and obviously cheaper in comparison to fish... later on i might consider an invertibrate or something - what do people think about that? - Enthusiast -
  28. M

    Just Found A One Gallon. . . What To Do?

    Hey, just found an old small plastic tank that you used to get back in the day!!! I think it is about one gallon ish I can't just leave it there lol, anyone have any suggestions? A betta, shrimps, frog(s) really any suggestions!!! i really don't wana just leave it there lol. The problem with...
  29. M

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

    lol tap water. i have noooooo financial income :crazy: :crazy: till i get to college and get the wonderful ema. . . . . :drool: :drool: - Enthusiast -
  30. M

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

    sorri mate, thats the pic not your computer - it was of a tank full of java moss lol How much java do you want? i might put it in water in a jiffy bag or somethin. . . . Would you be ok with that? I am currently completely broke soz lol, how long are you interested for and if i couldnt get any...
  31. M

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

    duznt this make u jealous lol!! I will order some to trade with you. How much would it cost for u to post since i am in birmingham? Thanks - Enthusiast - :thumbs:
  32. M

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

    what kind of moss do you want? moss balls? etc. . .
  33. M

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

    Hey, might be getting some malaysian trumpets if it's ok with you guys!!! Please give comments as i don't know that much about them. . . Thanks - Enthusiast - :thumbs:
  34. M

    How Much Water In Tank?

    noooooo!! that is quite anoyying as one can imagine. Thanks a lot for telling me though!!! *sigh* so i have a goldfish in a 15 gall not 30. . . . *sigh*. . . . NISH!!!! Thanks again - Enthusiast -
  35. M

    How Much Water In Tank?

    Just a quick question but my tank is 2ft long and 1ft high and deep. I have been told it is a 30 uk gallon, is this correct. I am just asking because the consequences of overestimating tank size can be large - fish dying of stress etc. . . Thanks a lot - Enthusiast -
  36. M

    What Do You "dislike" Most About

    i hate the way the smallest things can cost loads. . . say you pay 75 quid for a lovely marine fish and you feed a dead fish to an anenomy or something when it has disease. . . or risking not quarantining with a new fish and it dies instantly or amateaurs that think they know everything just...
  37. M

    What To Go In 2.25 Gal Tank?

    true. . . . i can understand that.. . . thanks a lot again!!! Anyone suggest a hardy betta? love ya all :thumbs: i know males would fight and breeding wd b unfair if there was no space for the kids. . .
  38. M

    What To Go In 2.25 Gal Tank?

    Could he have more than one? which kind. . one assumes he couldnt have two siamese fighting fish. . . :huh: Thanks so far! :thumbs:
  39. M

    What To Go In 2.25 Gal Tank?

    what kind of betta would you suggest? got any pics? He doesn't really like the idea of just one fish though. . .
  40. M

    What To Go In 2.25 Gal Tank?

    anyone know what my dad can put in this tank? he had 5 neons and 5 barbs but they mysteriousely died and it wasnt the water. . . . What dom people think he can put in it now since he has a decent filter instead or a crappy ugf. . . :huh: :thumbs: - Enthusiast - :thumbs: :huh: