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    Perfect Betta Tank In Argos For £10

    It's such a shame that you double posted. Are you going to be all right? If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know!
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    I Half-saved A Betta least you saved her from the male betta.. I went to Wal-Mart today and it's horrible how small those little containers are that they stuff the bettas in. Half of them are already lying on the bottom or on the's kind of depressing. :(
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    Concern About Betta

    Did a little research...maybe this will help?
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    Is My Betta Dying?'s amazing how much better he is now than last night! :D :D :D When I fed him another pellet, he swam right up, and actually swam around for at least 10 seconds before swimming back down (not falling!) I really believe that Spuddy is going to be all right! I think I will be moving...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    We just found something that lets you turn down the amount of water that comes out of the filter at once, and that seems to have helped the "current" issue. I'll give him a few more pellets in a few minutes. He definetly seems to be improving from even last night. He's starting to swim around...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Today I went to Wal-Mart and bought a few things: -A 5 gallon tank :D -A thermometer -Stones -Plants I actually didn't read your post until I got back, but tomorrow I will DEFINETLY be getting a heater. I did what you suggested (using hot water), and his water is around 81 degrees. I have...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I woke up this morning, and he's still going up for air, and then falling back down, but he does seem a little bit better than last night. :) No, I was not kidding about dumping the salt in. This is what it says on the freaking box: ---------- DIRECTIONS FOR USE: As a general tonic and stress...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I didn't even touch the fish during this whole process (just changed his water last night). All I did was dump the gravel into the bottom of the bowl, and put the plant in, and then dump in a half of a teaspoon of Aqua salt which was apparently supposed to be "dissolved" first. My betta is...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Oh....crap...I actually did just dump it in....that was a bad idea, wasn't it? :/ :/ :/
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I finally went to Petsmart today and bought some Aqua Salt, a couple plants, and some blue gravel. Why didn't I get a heater? I couldn't find any that would fit in the bowl that I have, so I'll go to Walmart tomorrow and see if they have any there. Anyway, I put in the plants (fake) and the...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Oops... I fed him this morning. I havent put any meds in his water...should I? I'm going to get his heater in about an hour. I guess I'll get "Alqua Salt" too. Thanks!
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I just noticed that he seems to fall backwards and lands almost on his back...not upside-down...but it's like he's sitting on his tail and is always right upto the edge of the bowl looking out...and it looks like he's flaring...but without moving...he just doesn't look "right". He also seems to...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    He seems to be able to go to the top and stay there for a good 20 seconds easily, then he just drops back down and doesn't move for like 10 minutes, then goes up again...he doesn't seem to be struggling at all...and he just ate another tablet. I'm hoping to get a heater sometime
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    What kind of heater am I looking for? Would I be able to get it at Petsmart? Maybe something like this?
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Well, I wiped the bowl pretty clean just using a paper towel and water, then dried it dry with more paper towel... Here's what it says on the bottle...if it matters: ANALYSIS: AS.....0 HCO3.....260 Ca.....71 Cl.....2.7 Cu.....0 ANALYSE: F.....0 Mg.....31 NO3.....2.6 Pb.....0 K.....0.7...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Well, he's in his new home, but I honestly don't think he'll be living much longer. He still seems to be lying on the bottom a lot, and once and a while (about maybe every 5 minutes) he'll go to the top of the bowl, stick his mouth out, and then just kind of sink back to the bottom. I've taken...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Crap. My parents found a huge fish bowl downstairs that my sister used a long time ago for her they're insisting that I use that. :sick: Is a filter and heater and light a "must get"? Or do you think putting him in a bowl over twice the size without a filter, heater, or light is...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I'll be sure to take some pics of him when he's ALIVE in his new tank. :lol: Thank you to everyone who helped me today! My betta ("Spudnick"...nicknamed "Spuddy") appreciates it as well. :D
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Wait, wait, hold up. I just noticed something about my betta. At the end of his tail, all of his "fins" are all bent at the ends...and it looks like he's like flaring...nonstop...but without the bottom of the's weird..
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    Is My Betta Dying?'s only 20 bucks. lol! Thanks for your help guys! It's really appreciated! Let's just hope that he'll survive long enough for his new tank tomorrow!
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Do you think this would be something I should get?
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Thank you for your replies. I just checked on him a couple minutes ago and he was still on his side...stuck my finger in and he went nuts for about 10 seconds, then right back to the bottom. And yes, I can see a bit of poop on the bottom of his bowl. What kind of heater and filter am I looking...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    The bowl is fairly large (you can see it in the picture below) I usually do 1 water change a week. I have a green scooper thing with a net on it and I scoop out my betta and put him in a large bowl with water that is the same temperature as his normal bowl's water. I then dump all of my...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Hello people. I've had my betta for a bit over a month now, and lately, he's been showing some pretty strange behaviour. My betta lives in a normal-sized bowl with about 10 translucent blue rocks forming a circle on the bottom of the bowl, and a fairly dim light hovering over top of it. I...
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    Spits Out His Food!

    Alrighty...I feel better knowing now. lol! :)
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    Spits Out His Food!

    Hello. I bought a betta a few weeks ago, and he's in a bowl, with a light shining down from above. When I feed him his pellets that came with him, he seems to eat it, but then spit it out, and then eat it again, then spit it out again, then eat it again..then moves around a lot and shakes and...