Is My Betta Dying?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2006
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Hello people.

I've had my betta for a bit over a month now, and lately, he's been showing some pretty strange behaviour.

My betta lives in a normal-sized bowl with about 10 translucent blue rocks forming a circle on the bottom of the bowl, and a fairly dim light hovering over top of it.

I feed my betta 2 tablets, twice a day with the food that came with him. He usually eats them right when I drop them in the bowl.

Anyway, last night, I noticed my room (where my betta's bowl is) was fairly cool, and I noticed that my betta was lying right on the bottom of the bowl, leaning on one of the rocks, and a little bit sideways, and it took a bit of tapping the bowl and waving my finger around in the water for him to "wake up". Once he did though, he started swimming around the bowl normally for about 20 seconds, then went right back down again. I thought that he was maybe doing this because my room was a little cold that day, so I moved him to the kitchen where it was a normal warm temperature and left him there for the night.

Then next day (today), I checked up on him, and he wasn't quite as much on his side as he was yesterday, but he still didn't look "right". He was kind of leaning on the blue rock like he was before. He still eats just as much as he used to...and the only way I can get him to swim around is to tap his bowl a few times or stick my finger in, but he still only lasts about 20 seconds before going back to the bottom and "falling asleep" again.

I'm getting a bit worried because he's usually very active, and anytime I would pick up the bowl he'd go nuts. Now if I pick up the bowl, he just moves around a little bit....but not nearly as much as he used to.

I'm not sure how old he is, but I'm pretty sure he's still fairly young.

Anyway, sorry for making such a long story, but if anyone can give any recommendations, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you very much. :unsure:
whats size bowl? how many water changes do you do? how do you do water changes?

is there and sign of fungus? or and thing on his body? are his fins normal? does he flare?

give us more information.

i dont care if you write 1000000 words
The bowl is fairly large (you can see it in the picture below)

I usually do 1 water change a week.

I have a green scooper thing with a net on it and I scoop out my betta and put him in a large bowl with water that is the same temperature as his normal bowl's water. I then dump all of my betta's bowl's water into the sink, clean the bowl and the rocks, and then dry the bowl and the rocks, dump some new water into the bowl, and dump my betta back in. All water used is bottled water... it's "Real Canadian Natural Spring Water" if that matters.
I read somewhere that you're supposed to only change 25% of the water, but I don't see the point because the "dirt" or whatever will just mix in with the new water that you put in anyway, but maybe I'm wrong.

I don't see any fungus or anything on his body, though I don't really know what to look for since this is my first fish. His fins seem to be normal, and for the few seconds that he does move around he flares a bit.

Here are two pictures...the first one shows him in his bowl, and the second is a close up of him.
Sorry they're so blurry...It's hard with a 2.2 megapixel camera. :S
Not sure what is the matter with him...the bowl dont look very he going to the toilet properly? you can usually see when they have pooed..if not dont feed him and give him a mushed up cooked pea..not tinned though. perhaps someone else can help you.
He needs a larger home. The temperature in there will fluctuate too much, making his metabolism swing back and forth...his fins are clamped because he doesn't have much room, and only changing that size of bowl once a week, although it seems fine, needs to be changed more. :( I know that fish stores tell you those very cool, attractive holders like that are fine for bettas, but they really need to have at least two gallons in order to be happy. The minimal set up for him is going to be a bowl of at least two gallons of water with a very small heater (since your house will be getting cooler now). They also sell little filters that you can put in the bowl that would work well. Try that. It's good that he's eating, but his fins are clamped, and it's because he's stressed. Get some stress coat and treat the water every time for him even if it is spring water. The stress coat will help him with his slime coat which helps to protect him from disease, and use a small amount of salt. The directions come with the freshwater salt that you buy...and put maybe a fourth of the salt dose that is recommended instead of what is recommended. Good luck! :D
Thank you for your replies.

I just checked on him a couple minutes ago and he was still on his side...stuck my finger in and he went nuts for about 10 seconds, then right back to the bottom. And yes, I can see a bit of poop on the bottom of his bowl.

What kind of heater and filter am I looking for, and how would I go about getting it in the bowl? Can you give me an example of a picture of what I'm looking for? Or should I buy a bowl with everything already included?

After buying all of the things you think I should get, how much do you think it will end up costing?

Thank you.
BUY A BIGGER TANK! lol hopefully soon, the top fin 1 gallons are perfect for a betta! all mine live in them. they are like 10-12$ and they come witha light and a undergravel filter!

and use aqua salt and fresh water for now.

BUT PLEASE get him out of you current death trap!!
Wait, wait, hold up.

I just noticed something about my betta.

At the end of his tail, all of his "fins" are all bent at the ends...and it looks like he's like flaring...nonstop...but without the bottom of the's weird..
I don't know where you live, but I went to PetSmart near my work today (Brampton, Ontario) and they had some very nice 2g tank kits for sale for 19.99, filter, cover, gravel etc. all ready to go. Check your store out for instore specials, sometimes they have good stuff going on there too.

Hope your little man makes it overnight and loves his new tank. You'll have to give us some updated pics of him when he's looking happier :D
I'll be sure to take some pics of him when he's ALIVE in his new tank. :lol:

Thank you to everyone who helped me today! My betta ("Spudnick"...nicknamed "Spuddy") appreciates it as well.

My parents found a huge fish bowl downstairs that my sister used a long time ago for her they're insisting that I use that. :sick:

Is a filter and heater and light a "must get"? Or do you think putting him in a bowl over twice the size without a filter, heater, or light is good enough?

My parents found a huge fish bowl downstairs that my sister used a long time ago for her they're insisting that I use that. :sick:

Is a filter and heater and light a "must get"? Or do you think putting him in a bowl over twice the size without a filter, heater, or light is good enough?

No he doesnt NEED a light, filter, or a heater. What he does need is more room! and morewater changes!

do waterchanges at least 2 times a week. and dry with paper towels.

good luck pm me again if you need help

and make sure you clean the new bowl good!

post pics once he is in it! bye

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