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  1. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    here are my latest readings: ph - 7.2 Nitrate - 0 Nitrite - 0.25 Ammonia - 0.25 hows that looking folks?
  2. P

    Sick Guppy

    How long ago (if at all) did she give birth?
  3. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    just for info - i only changed the filter and block after i lost the fish oh well a nasty learning curve, but thanks to everyone for your help!
  4. P

    I Dont Know If This Is A Emergency Or Not

    I would post this in the emergencies part
  5. P

    Maidenhead Aquatics

    if its the one in the northwest DONT USE IT. My father got some guppies from them and they were bad fish, they killed all of his tank.
  6. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    I yes did use dechlorinator and YES i have changed brands recently due to the fish store I used to go to going out of business. No air freashers near the tank, any polish used is sprayed onto the cloth outside the room then used inside the room (if you can follow that) I have since got new...
  7. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    sorry miss spelling by me on that one! I did have an old fluval filter, I cleaned it by using some old tank water in a bowl. I did a change about 4 days before the loss (i think)
  8. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    i have been away testing the race car for a few days and left the fish wit weekend food, I suspect thats whats happened myself. still gutted though
  9. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    sadly I am soooooo sad I have the power inlet for the pump and the heater atteched to my pc, they have both been monitored in the last 24 hours and nothing untoward is being shown!
  10. P

    Tank Re-build

    no i didnt the filter appears to have "crashed" therefore not worth keeping as it would have infected my new setup!
  11. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    about 4 or five days
  12. P

    New Filter

    i dont know much but if i were you i would take the snails out in case they have died and are infecting the tank more again I am UNSURE but it would be wot i would do
  13. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    the names dave btw I dunno wot to go for this time around or how soon to populate the tank..........
  14. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    to answer InaneCathode - I probably will never find out what happened since the water was dumped over 24 hours ago, all filters etc were binnde and went out with the xmas stuff to the tip! but my nitrates where high - probably the cause I think Tolak - Today, I replaced 100% of the water (and...
  15. P

    New Filter

    I know how you feel watching your tank die, mine did it early this week, its really upsetting I know, but if the worst happens dont give up on the hobby, hope you dont loose them all.
  16. P

    Tank Re-build

    Since all my fish died I have started over. Old Stuff: 35 litre (7.5 gall) tank New: Gravel Fluval 1 Plus Filter air stone air pipe air pump and after advice on here: Freshwater master test kit now then - question time (dont ya just love it) I have treated the water with : Interpet Filter...
  17. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    I did read the notes yes! I wont be re-stocking for quite some time, spent some money i dont have and bought a new filter, so back to the start for me
  18. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    the tanks been running fine since april 2005 and then suddlen this!! I ahve started again as i mentioned with the tank currently filtering a salty water solution to kill anything off that may still be hanging around.
  19. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    hiya its one of these:
  20. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    thanks for the quick reply stats from xmas day - (bet ya cant guess what I got for a pressie) nitrate 2 nitrite 3 ph - 7.0 amonia - 5 no kiddies in the house, no changes to the tank other than the usual water top up/change (2 litres and was at room temp and treated with Tetra Aqua Aqua Safe)
  21. P

    Mass Loss Of Fish

    Well I have lost the **************** lot. went out last night for a beer, all fish happy, eating, swimming around fine. got in this morning from my friends, ALL fish dead. some floating, others not floating. Neons, Guppies, plecs, and corydoras all dead. no power outages as my pc is feed...
  22. P

    Hurt Guppie

    thanx fella but she lost the fight for life some point last night, should i still treat the tank though?
  23. P

    Hurt Guppie

    they are neon tetras. The wound doesnt look that bad, its just the middle of the tail I have a photo of it now. it is a bad photo but it dows its not effecting the body of the fish but it is a sizable chunk
  24. P

    Hurt Guppie

    I have a female guppie, whoms getting on a bit now, she has today whilst I have been out had a chunk taken out of her tail. this is what I have in the tank 2 Male Guppies 4 Female Guppies 5 pepperd corys 6 tetras now I cnt see anything she would have gotten hurt on in the tank or any of the...
  25. P

    Ill Cory

    before i could even treat him the red mark has been disappearing! hes swimming around happily now but sadly i lost one of my guppies!
  26. P

    Ill Cory

    well I have found the problem My father has added a small stone into the tank which has a very sharp edge to it. I now know this cuase i just spent the last three hours in the a&e department! now I have two fish hurt by this rock (which has been removed) sadly one was a male guppie whom lost...
  27. P

    Ill Cory

    got a photo if you need to see iti can email it, [email protected]
  28. P

    Ill Cory

    heres my water tests: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.4 i got a look at him and it looks like a cut cause when you view him from the rear you can knida see into it, cant get a photo of the wee beastie he moves too quaickly, should i put him in a floating tank on his own?
  29. P

    Ill Cory

    One of my two corys is hurt, he has a red mark behind his pectrol fin (lowest fin that he has) toward the rear of his body, going from behind what I think is his belly in a vertical line to his top fin. on other side he has a very red belly. he is eating and swimming around ok and still...
  30. P

    fish swimming wierd

    I have noticed over the past few days all of my fish swimming at a angle! they all swim at a slight angle from the front of the fish the top of the fish is off to the left and the bottom towards the bottom...............any ideas?
  31. P

    breeding guppies

    fine i wont go to sle........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  32. P

    breeding guppies

    well hes following the biggest one around falhing he tail at her but me being a concerned arent i keep disturbng them by feeding em
  33. P

    breeding guppies

    I have the following guppies: 1 full grown male 2x3month old females 1x4month old female the male guppie was added 24hours ago, so I am wondering how long until they get frisky?
  34. P

    Watching your fish

    i watch it at night to help me sleepy!
  35. P

    lost 2fish!

    Well since my last post I have lost another 4 fish. bit of a disaster really, but I havnet lost one in 24hours, and they are feeding again now with avengence. I think either I was overstocked or the virus or what ever has passed
  36. P

    lost 2fish!

    i just tested the water again after a 20% water change and the ammonia is tad darker than the lightest indicator (just by a fraction) lowest is 0ppm next is 0.25 Dad said to me he tested it three days ago and it was at .50 :dunno: me all confused now!!!
  37. P

    lost 2fish!

    due to the space restraints in my home i cannot go for a bigger tank, bearing in mind i like the corys what you would have could this be ammonia posioning?
  38. P

    lost 2fish!

    i dont like doing it but the local pet shop said they would take the guppies off me would i be better balanced then? then i would have: 8 tetras 3 corys
  39. P

    lost 2fish!

    details are in the signature and its been setup since the date I joined the forum - 2 April its a 37 Litre tank
  40. P

    lost 2fish!

    been doing 10% every other day, I lost another tetra who was agin in the filter, had some scum on the water surface and they ont seem to be at the top as much, but other than water change is their anything i can do?