Mass Loss Of Fish

Before the massive dieoff when was water changes & topoff done?
I know that I am new to this hobby, but I don't understand, if the filter was working on Dave's return then why would it of been the filter that crashed. I mean, if the water comes out, then surely the water goes in and provided the filter pads and media are still in tact then why would this cause the problem.. Would a filter stop working and then suddenly start again a few hours later - presuming no power cut.

Is it best to say then that 2 filters are always better than one, just in case ? So if Dave is starting again, best to put 2 in now.!

sadly I am soooooo sad I have the power inlet for the pump and the heater atteched to my pc, they have both been monitored in the last 24 hours and nothing untoward is being shown!
Well, I think that goes way beyond me. I thought PCs were for working on, not for fish keeping :lol:
What i'm referring to is your biological filter. Not just the mechanical part, the biological part is what converts your fishwaste into nitrate. If it dies off, your fish die off if you dont change out the water every other day or so.

Either something killed your filter, or you didnt change the water and the nitrates killed your fish. What probably happened is one or two died, then released mass amounts of pollution into your tank which killed the other ones as well.
I think dave meant one of those holiday feeding block things that dissolve and release the food at the same time. Sorry for your loss dave, hope you get to the bottom of this mess.
The weekend feed block will explain the high ammonia and nitrites as they pollute the water.

Fish can go for two weeks without being fed. Sorry about your losses.
but my nitrates where high - probably the cause I think

mate... it WAS NOT your nitrate

it was the ammonia and nitrite. both are highly toxic.

there is something very wrong if a tank established for a year or more has ammonia and nitrite readings of any sort

what sort of filter did you have?
how were you cleaning it?
did you perform any sort fo change to the tank in the days leading up to the wipeout?

any time you test your water and see an ammonia or nitrite reading with livestock in the tank it means you are either way over feeding, your filter is not sufficient for the job or both
but my nitrates where high - probably the cause I think

mate... it WAS NOT your nitrate

it was the ammonia and nitrite. both are highly toxic.

there is something very wrong if a tank established for a year or more has ammonia and nitrite readings of any sort

what sort of filter did you have?
how were you cleaning it?
did you perform any sort fo change to the tank in the days leading up to the wipeout?

any time you test your water and see an ammonia or nitrite reading with livestock in the tank it means you are either way over feeding, your filter is not sufficient for the job or both

sorry miss spelling by me on that one!

I did have an old fluval filter, I cleaned it by using some old tank water in a bowl. I did a change about 4 days before the loss (i think)
Just jumping in here, when you did your last water change did you use dechlorinator? have you changed you r dechlorinator recently and did you use the right dosage. I'm thinking outside the box here, is there a plugin air freshener fragrance thing anywhere near the tank? Did you do any cleaning in the same room as the tank using polish spray or window cleaner?

Sounds like some kind of poison, that either killed the fish or the filter bacteria for it to happen so quickly with no apparent reason.
I yes did use dechlorinator and YES i have changed brands recently due to the fish store I used to go to going out of business.

No air freashers near the tank, any polish used is sprayed onto the cloth outside the room then used inside the room (if you can follow that)

I have since got new back on the fish that I took to the aquarium were i work and it was 100% Dropsy

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