lost 2fish!

Well overstocking can cause it, i would get a bigger filter like a fluval 2 but i don't no if the current would be to much, you can turn it down and face it towards the glass to lesson the flow, that would be the answer for now a better filter, or buy another fluval one and have one at each end of the tank.
i just tested the water again after a 20% water change and the ammonia is tad darker than the lightest indicator (just by a fraction) lowest is 0ppm next is 0.25

Dad said to me he tested it three days ago and it was at .50 :dunno:

me all confused now!!!
No good testing water after a water change you will get a false reading, best to do the test a couple of hours after a water change, or before you change the water,i would buy another fluval one it will take care of the problem, more filteration.
Well since my last post I have lost another 4 fish. bit of a disaster really, but I havnet lost one in 24hours, and they are feeding again now with avengence. I think either I was overstocked or the virus or what ever has passed

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