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  1. G

    An Unpleasant Topic

    I just let nature take it's course. The fish will hide out until they die, then I just net them out. It's just like in the wild I guess, no one to put them to sleep :/
  2. G

    Denison Barbs & Tankmates?

    True but I have only had the 95 since sept so before that the denison was in an over crowded 55 gallon and he was still really good!
  3. G

    Emerald Rainbowfish

    Few pictures of me male emerald fish. Enjoy :)
  4. G

    Aggressive Gouramis

    I too had this issue where I was told that gouramis get along together. However, when my gold gourami almost ripped the tail off my thick lipped gourami I was forced to take the thick lipped gourami back to my LFS. I later learned from a guy who just opened his own fish shop that gouramis...
  5. G

    Denison Barbs & Tankmates?

    I only have one of these fellas. They are great tankmates and I don't know if we got lucky but ours is pretty good. He doesnt bother anyone, he just swims around. I have heard that they need to be in groups of at least three or they can get aggressive. I am working my way up to buying more...
  6. G

    This Is My Tank Honest Opinions Plz

    Nice tank man. If you are new to tanks then I reckon wait a bit for real plants, if not I bet real plants would look nice in there. Is that a horseface loach? I had one for about 3 months but he died. I read one man he had about 5 but could never make them last more than 3 weeks -_- . I...
  7. G

    Emerald Rainbowfish

    Few pictures of me male emerald fish. Enjoy :)
  8. G


    I had put a little melafix in the other day which I had handy and put the heaters up a bit. fed some peas and left it for a bit I didn't feed them for about two days after and it's totally gone. Maybe it was bloat or overfeeding :X thanks for your help wilder
  9. G


    I did consider if he was bloated, i been feeding him flakes which contain peas, maybe that'll help i havne't got a quarantine tank since i broke the 2 gallon one , i take it i can't add meds to the big tank? I'll try get a picture for you of what it looks like. it doesn't look too bad at the...
  10. G


    It's not really an emergency as such at the moment a few weeks ago I noticed under the sailfin mollies belly his scales were up a tiny bit, i started feeding them less just to see if he was a fatty and it seemed to go down, but now they're back up again. I"m unsure if this is dropsy or just...
  11. G

    Is This Normal For A Clown?

    my clowns tend to click when they are eating. As for the spikes, they only flair when they feel they are being threatened. Just gotta watch em if you're netting them. that is if you can catch them!
  12. G

    Opinions Wanted

    I started with fake plants too, you can't just jump into the deep end straight away! The tank is brilliant, a great shape as well, i like seeing different ones It's gotta be over 100 gallons?
  13. G

    5 Clowns Loaches In A 72 Gallon?

    That should be fine. My ones took around 6 years to grow 4-5 inches In the end they may need a bigger tank though. If you find a fish shop that buys clown loaches off you that would be good. Believe me that 5 inch clowns can go for around 25-40 dollars, so make sure you can go to a fish store...
  14. G

    My Planted Journal

    You have really got the works! keep us informed on how it progresses! I like seeing tanks come along :)
  15. G

    2 New Large Clown Loaches

    :lol: :lol: . I always wake up and find plants at the top of the tank :-( . they give them a good whack with their tails! That's the only downside to having clown loaches! :lol:
  16. G

    Me New Tank

    Update on me tank. It finally got upgraded to a 95 gallon, the fish seem to be loving it! I finally got rid of the white cave and replaced it with a weird tree decor. Tank has a few scratches but I'm going to sort all that out :)
  17. G

    2 New Large Clown Loaches

    Last week I bought two new Clown Loaches! Here's a video of the two big loaches in action!'
  18. G


    I bought my riccia at Pacific Mall at Kennedy road and Steeles. Good luck!
  19. G

    Roseline Sharks?

    they are also known as Red line torpedo barbs and Puntius denisonii. I have them and they are a wonderful community fish. They dont bother any of the other fish and are very lovely. However, they can be jumpers so make sure your lid is on tight!
  20. G

    Female Bettas And My Other Fish . . .

    I put my female betta in a 95 gallon community tank. includes clown loaches, sailfin mollies, gold gourami, emerald, turqoise, new guinea, ornate rainbow fish, blackskirt tetras, platies and algae eaters I dunno where this person heard they need 8 litres only, since when? my female seems fine...
  21. G

    Am I Lucky?

    I went to petsmart and was asking about a kribensis. the guy said what fish do i have in the tank, and i said two nano's, bolivian ram and a betta. he screeched you have a betta with a bolivian ram? , i replied yep, and he said the ram will probably be dead once i got home he was a complete...
  22. G

    Sailfin Molly Update

    Oh right I didn't realise it was some sort of mating thing. He's doing it to my other female molly now, gulp! Although I'd love to have some sailfin babies :hey:
  23. G

    Sailfin Molly Update

    It now seems finally that my female black sailfin molly has chilled out oor the first time in ages. She finally let's the other mollies go near her. What is strange though is that the new Black Male Sailfin Molly is chasing under her belly near her anal fin. She is swimming away very casually...
  24. G

    Am I Lucky?

    Thanks all, so I guess it can be hit and miss with Betta's I've got a female in a 95 gallon community tank and she loves it in there I was a bit worried to put the male in there as I got a few black skirt tetras (even tho they've never nipped any fish)
  25. G

    Am I Lucky?

    I always hear of people's stories regarding betta's being aggressive, don't do this and don't do that. I've had mine in a 25 gallon community tank for about 4 months now. It has 2 bolivian rams, 2 nano cichlids, one small pleco and 5 african dwarf frogs. He never ever gets aggressive towards...
  26. G

    Aggressive Female

    definitely female, i had her with two other females before as well but had to take one back because of dropsy (they sold me one with it) but she was just the same here is a video of her in the previous tank! female molly
  27. G

    Aggressive Female

    Hello all, I've had my black sailfin molly for around six months and it's one of my favourite fish. She was good friends with two other sailfin mollies but they passed away. When she got maximum size she was a bit of a bully towards everyone, I didn't want to add anymore sailfins because i was...
  28. G

    Fab Vid On U Tube

    The Kennedy Road Store in Scarborough doesnt have one anymore :sad:
  29. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    :-( :-(
  30. G

    Aggressive Molly

    i'm having a little bit of the same problem but hoping to get around it ever since the two sailfin mollies passed away the black sailfin molly had no one to school with. she likes to chase and harras the rainbows and sometimes the platies finally i've upgraded to 95 gallon so i could add the...
  31. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    what's wrong with it tetraman? you could try my method on adding some extra aquarium salt and cranking the temp a bit. I'm not sure of the problem though so you may need meds or something! the tropical fish emergencies section are very helpful :)
  32. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    Thanks Chibi :good: :) The tank has now been upgraded to 95 gallons. It only took 6 hours to do :D :unsure: I'll upload a new video when it's less cloudy and when I've added the other two mollies. So far no casualties but who knows with all the stress! :sad:
  33. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    Thanks mate, Essex for life :hey:
  34. G

    Clown Loach Videos

    thanks both :) . I'll be moving them both tomorrow because i'm upgrading the tank to a 95 gallon. Gonna be a right pain catching all the fish. fast bastards!
  35. G

    Clown Loach Videos

    two videos of my clown loaches. the little ones always fight for some reason i dunno if they mess about 2nd one is of me bigger clown loach. he has a mate but he's hiding in the cave
  36. G

    Clown Loach

    this is one of my clown loaches. his mate is even bigger and fatter than him. i'd say an inch bigger!
  37. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    Normally that happens to me as well! With most fish nowadays I can get to save them though! (unless they commit suicide lol) If you notice a fish isn't eating/hanging out at the bottom best thing is to act fast. Crank up the heat to about 82-85. Add a few tablespoons of aquarium salt. If it's...
  38. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    Had her about 4 months now. Grown really quick. It was sick for quite a while I thought I was going to lose her, but recovered and now it spreads it's fins out and is one of the most active! I have two small sailfin mollies in the 25 gallon which I'm going to put with the black sailfin. Reason...
  39. G

    Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

    Me black sailfin molly video :good: :hey:
  40. G


    Any admins seen this yet? :fish: