Am I Lucky?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
I always hear of people's stories regarding betta's being aggressive, don't do this and don't do that.

I've had mine in a 25 gallon community tank for about 4 months now. It has 2 bolivian rams, 2 nano cichlids, one small pleco and 5 african dwarf frogs.

He never ever gets aggressive towards any fish and the others swim around him without even looking. The rams also come to the surface to feed with him without them fighting it out

Did I get a really mellow Betta or do others have good experiences with them?
my guy is in a 55 gallon and has been there for over a year. there are 2 angelfish in there and a bunch of other fish and he will sometimes chase them for fun but everyone just ignores him, even the angelfish.
he *loves* the tank, he will swim in every nook and cranny.
my guy is in a 55 gallon and has been there for over a year. there are 2 angelfish in there and a bunch of other fish and he will sometimes chase them for fun but everyone just ignores him, even the angelfish.
he *loves* the tank, he will swim in every nook and cranny.
some bettas are highlt aggresive (like one of mine who ripped my females scales) and some are just like angels (peaceful but can be aggresive).
Mine was fine in the community for a couple of months, then one day he just turned really aggressive and started taking chunks out of the mollies!! I guess its good to have a reserve tank incase u do need to remove him someday x
Thanks all, so I guess it can be hit and miss with Betta's

I've got a female in a 95 gallon community tank and she loves it in there

I was a bit worried to put the male in there as I got a few black skirt tetras (even tho they've never nipped any fish)
I once had my boy Risteek with 3 otos and he was perfectly fine :D The lady at the lfs said my betta would just shred them to pieces. Ha she was wrong. :p
I went to petsmart and was asking about a kribensis. the guy said what fish do i have in the tank, and i said two nano's, bolivian ram and a betta.

he screeched you have a betta with a bolivian ram? , i replied yep, and he said the ram will probably be dead once i got home

he was a complete idiot. i told him that they've been in the tank together for about two months and he said that must be a first ever.

plus he don't know the diff between a zebra and pakistani loach :crazy:

i hate it when people make out betta's to be one of the most feared fish going. I know some bettas can be feisty, but the only time mine gets angry is when he see's his reflection :lol: :hyper:
Ha ha! Mine flares at his reflection too - makes me laugh - silly boy!

As you can see below, Asbo (he doesn't live up to his name) is in a community tank and I have no problems. I think it depends on the temperament of your specific betta and making sure they have space for themselves.

I guess if you are introducing a new betta to the community, be prepared in case he doesn't get along and needs to be removed to his own little universe!
I Have One Female In My Community Tank, She Gets On Fine With Everyone :D

I Have One Female In My Community Tank, She Gets On Fine With Everyone :D
I'd actualy be more worried about the betta being attacked if the cichlids breed than that the betta will attack them. Bettas normaly do fine in community tanks as long as they aren't kept with anything similar or anything that competes for territory and, obviously, shouldn't be with anything that nips or in a tank with a strong current. Female bettas can be kept in your average community provided you don't have gouramies or anything that's prone to being bullied as they are quick and perfectly capeable of killing 'annoying' little fish (eg hatchet fish or guppies).

BTW, someone mentioned trouble with mollies - I don't know what it is about those pesky livebearers but mollies and bettas (and other gouramies) don't usualy get along. But swordtails and platies, funnily enough, usualy make fine tankmates (provided the tank's big neoug obviously).

As a side note - I have had bettas that were afraid of shrimp!

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