Video Of Me Black Sailfin Molly

Had her about 4 months now. Grown really quick. It was sick for quite a while I thought I was going to lose her, but recovered and now it spreads it's fins out and is one of the most active!

I have two small sailfin mollies in the 25 gallon which I'm going to put with the black sailfin.

Reason why I haven't added the other two with the black one is because the 55 gallon is a bit overstocked. upgrading to 95 gallons on the weekend :good:
That's amazing how it recovered. In my experience, if a fish gets sick from anything but an easily recognized and cured disease, start digging the grave.
That's amazing how it recovered. In my experience, if a fish gets sick from anything but an easily recognized and cured disease, start digging the grave.

Normally that happens to me as well! With most fish nowadays I can get to save them though! (unless they commit suicide lol)

If you notice a fish isn't eating/hanging out at the bottom best thing is to act fast. Crank up the heat to about 82-85. Add a few tablespoons of aquarium salt.

If it's an infection treat it quickly! . I found a weekly water change is sufficent to keep them all happy chappies :lol:

The black sailfin though I thought had ick, but it was fungus, and I was treating for ick for many weeks. The fins were clamped for weeks and he weren't happy. As soon as I added melafix it went, but his fins were still clamped a little

Soon as I turned it up to 80 and left it like that, and put 5 table spoons of aquarium salt in. Suddenly his fins were up and gobbling up zillions of food. Dunno how she survived I got lucky really. She really is me fav fish though :wub:
Thanks Chibi :good: :)

The tank has now been upgraded to 95 gallons. It only took 6 hours to do :D :unsure:

I'll upload a new video when it's less cloudy and when I've added the other two mollies.

So far no casualties but who knows with all the stress! :sad:
I have a fish that ain't lookin too good right now.

what's wrong with it tetraman? you could try my method on adding some extra aquarium salt and cranking the temp a bit.

I'm not sure of the problem though so you may need meds or something!

the tropical fish emergencies section are very helpful :)

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