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  1. J

    Can you have too much filtration

    PS the 65 gallon is stocked with quit alot of fish (not over stocked but good sized fish)
  2. J

    Can you have too much filtration

    I have 2 aqua clear 300 running on my 65 gallon as well as an under gravel filter. I know its a bit of overkill but i am just wonderin can this hurt anything?
  3. J

    How long after.......

    Well still only 2 fry and the mother is still pretty large. I think she still has fry in her but the males i have wont leave her alone they keep chasing her. What does this mean ?
  4. J

    Cloudy Water?

    does anyone know if Water Clear made by jungle will help? if know one says anything soon i will use it (i dont think it can harm the fish) . That kinda sounds like a threat, trust me its not lol.
  5. J

    Cloudy Water?

    no i just meant i cleaned it (in aquarium water)
  6. J

    How long after.......

    Now there are 2 lil guys in there. not sure if i just missed the other one or if it just came . How long can she be giving birth for?
  7. J

    Cloudy Water?

    Ive searched the forum but i dont see anything that relates. My water is usually crystal clear (i have an under gravel filter with 2 powerheads and an Aqua clear 300). But for the last 10 days or so the water has been a bit cloudy i have done the test everything is ok there(nitrite and...
  8. J

    How long after.......

    It also seems that the males in the tank are chasing her around. Does this mean anything, also the 1 fry i do have looks bigger then then the ones i had from a previous female. (who had 12) but that lil guy seems to be doin well as i watched him when i fed this morning he grabbed a big flake...
  9. J

    How long after.......

    In the tank are guppy and neons. I think she will have more she looks just as big as she everhas is it possible that she might have more or is it all in one shot. She is still very large.
  10. J

    How long after.......

    How long after one fry comes out till the others come out? i noticed my Fancy guppy has had 1 lil guy come out but that was over 24hours ago she is still just as fat and i tried leaving the light off but still no more? How many can she have or what is the avg.
  11. J

    Breeding tank?

    well there is lots of plants and ornaments for them to hide in , my only concern is the other fish i have some neon tetra in with my fancy guppies would it be a problem to just let them have birth in the tank? would they eat them ?
  12. J

    Breeding tank?

    Are breeding tanks the way to go when Breeding Fancy Guppies. Will the little fry fall through the bottom and into the tank. What are some precautions to take? How long does the mother stay in there ? when to place the mother in there? Just a few questions i have. I have purchase d what i...
  13. J

    Under gravel filter

    I have an under gravel filter in my 65 G as well as a Aqua clear 300( i beleave) i am just wondering how often do i need to clean out the under gravel filter ) i have 2 powerheads running it. Also what is the best way to clean it?
  14. J

    Fancy guppy breeding

    Thanx for all the help guys. How will I know when she is pregnant ? Nija smurf the 65 has mostly larger fish 2 ID sharks , 3 Big tinfoil barbs i red tail shark, 4 tiger barb 3 kissin gourami and 2 gold and 2 blue gourami. I had some silver tip fish (not sure the exact name) but i put them in...
  15. J

    How do i Know if my Female guppy is pregnant

    by the way it is a fancy guppy if that makes any differenceUsually get quick reply's everyone away ? lol thx
  16. J

    Do fidler crabs need to reach the top of water?

    The guy at my LFS said yes (and i usually listen to him ) But my sis has had 2 for a long time and they have no way to the top.
  17. J

    How do i Know if my Female guppy is pregnant

    I have been watching her for the last monthshe has gotten a bigger belly (not sure if pregnent or eatin well ) she use to get close to the male but now she seems to be chasing him away. i also seen her sittin near the bottom of the tank . Is she pregnant?
  18. J

    Fancy guppy breeding

    neon tetra is the name of them (red on tail blue stripe )
  19. J

    How do you tell a male beta from a Female?

    I am new to this betta thing and they are so nice looking i would like to have more then 1. Can you keep a male and a female together for more then breeding? Can you keep 2 females together ? How do you tell a male from a female?
  20. J

    Fancy guppy breeding

    Yes i also have a 65 gallon
  21. J

    Fancy guppy breeding

    I have a small 5 gallon tank with 5 neons 2 male fancy 2 female fancy 1 betta and an algy eater . Will the guppies breed in this if not should i take some of the other fish out. What do i need to do to get them to breed? Thanks in advance to whoever responds
  22. J

    Fish dying please help fast

    My Irredecent shark is floating belly up he is not dead but his belly looks like a ballon he is swimmin around upside down but i think he is going to die because he is very stressed. What should i do
  23. J

    Fish Dying

    Would it be a bad idea to do a 75% or better water change and clean all plastic plants and such? Also i was thinking of either changing the gravel or giving it a good vacumin, good idea or no?
  24. J

    Fish Dying

    Hi all. I have been losing some fish out of my 65 gallon tank. The water is a bit cloudy and the fish that i am losing are turning cloudy and blotchy looking. I had my water tested and the Pet guy said it was ok and told me i had a bacteria in it. Gave me some Mardel (maroxy) and said that...