Breeding tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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Kingston Ontario Canada
Are breeding tanks the way to go when Breeding Fancy Guppies. Will the little fry fall through the bottom and into the tank. What are some precautions to take? How long does the mother stay in there ? when to place the mother in there? Just a few questions i have. I have purchase d what i beleave is a pregnant guppy. Just want to know how to handle this properly, before it happens . Is there a webpage anyone could direct me to to do some research. I am a pain in the ass(bet you guys wish i never stumbled on this webpage lol)
I have been on this forum for over a year and still come up with questions that are twice as long as yours. Don't worry about it.

Are you talking about breeding traps? The one way ones where there's a v at the bottom an a space for the fry to fall through from? If you have a tank that's meant only for fry, why not just do away with the trap and get plants (java moss and fineleaved, bushy plants)?
i used a breeding trap, the v shaped plastic one. it was recommended to me by my lfs for a preggers platy.

woke up the morning after putting her in and about 6 fry had made it through to the bottom, but about 12 had got stuck in the slits and perished :(

i've now planted the tank with plenty of hiding places for the fry and prefer to let them take their chances in the tank than risking them in the devil trap
well there is lots of plants and ornaments for them to hide in , my only concern is the other fish i have some neon tetra in with my fancy guppies would it be a problem to just let them have birth in the tank? would they eat them ?
Oh, so it's not a rearing tank?

The tetras and even the livebearers will try to eat the fry. If you have enough foliage, though, the fry should be ok.
all types of fish will try and eat your fry, (though my khulis and ADF's seem to not know that so shuush LOL.)

I aserlutly hate breeding trap with avengance, I also hate LFS that don't tell people about livebearers and how often they breed but that not going to help ypu. on the breeding traps, there more like death trap than birthing traps.

I say if you want the babys to suvive you need another small tank, if not let things go natures way and see what happens, sometimes there be one stronge anothe to suvive
Maybe I will tell your fish for you wolf. It's time you had THE talk with them :lol: !!

As far as the trap NNNNNNOOOOOOOO Many babies are killed I take the V out and put the fry in it just after birth/when I notice fry and put them in it until they can be properly transfered to a fry tank within 7 days preferably be prepared !I had some sailfin molly fry about 4 days ago ...the tank has a rock ... A piece of slate ...a small plant .... and a 4 inch by 3 inch (approx) plastic plant and I got 12 fry ... There were proabbly about 20 and I spot them every once in a hwile but you will quickly get too the point too not bother more than likely ... It is a 29 gal with a female sailfin 2 swordtails and 2 female bettas.... Even my pleco has fed on the carcasses of fry if I hadn't syphened them out yet (PIG) They have alot of space and is not overstocked thta will increase their survival rate greatly along with plants

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