Fish Dying


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
Hi all. I have been losing some fish out of my 65 gallon tank. The water is a bit cloudy and the fish that i am losing are turning cloudy and blotchy looking. I had my water tested and the Pet guy said it was ok and told me i had a bacteria in it. Gave me some Mardel (maroxy) and said that should work but it hasnt. I am still losing fish and noticing more of them are looking ill
Can someone please help i have a ruby shark that i have had since i started the tank and he is lookin like he might be next :unsure:
Try and get some info off the internet about 'Cotton Wool Disease' and pray it's not that as it can wipe a tank out :sad: (i think one of mine may have it).

Without seeing the fish & tank it's quite hard to give any help but if you try a few searches on the internet you should be able to narrow it down. Take your findings to a LFS who should be able to help some more.

HTH and good luck.
Would it be a bad idea to do a 75% or better water change and clean all plastic plants and such? Also i was thinking of either changing the gravel or giving it a good vacumin, good idea or no?

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