Cloudy Water?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
Ive searched the forum but i dont see anything that relates.
My water is usually crystal clear (i have an under gravel filter with 2 powerheads and an Aqua clear 300). But for the last 10 days or so the water has been a bit cloudy i have done the test everything is ok there(nitrite and amonia and Ph). The water isnt overly cloudy but i can notice i tis a bit i changed the filter in the sponge and the carbon (3 days apart ) but that didnt seem to do anything. I tried a bout a 20 % water change and still nothing. I was thinking of buying a product from the LFS that helps water to be Crystal Clear. Has any one bought those little disolving tablet type? If so how do they work? Any other possible solutions would be appreciated. :kana:
does anyone know if Water Clear made by jungle will help? if know one says anything soon i will use it (i dont think it can harm the fish) . That kinda sounds like a threat, trust me its not lol.
Most likely its a bacterial bloom, thats the case 99% of the time.
The only thing that is affective is just doing water changes every other day!
Do 30% water changes everyother day and you will see improvment. The jungle clear stuff does not work I used it and so did many of my friends...its junk. Sometimes fish will have harmful reactions too so dont risk it most likely it wont work.

You just have to be patient, thats the key with keeping an aquarium. The best thing you can do is water changes every other day, that will clear up the water faster than any unneeded chemical! :)

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