How long after.......


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
How long after one fry comes out till the others come out? i noticed my Fancy guppy has had 1 lil guy come out but that was over 24hours ago she is still just as fat and i tried leaving the light off but still no more? How many can she have or what is the avg.
i am sorry to say your guppy has only had one fry.
turn the light off or the fry will fry (like an egg) as they are sensative to light.

hope you are lucky next time. you can get from 1 fry to 80 fry. :fun:
so hopefully next time there will be more.

I have never had a prob with fry being born with the light on.

Is this female in a trap, or a small birthing tank??

What other fish are in the tank??

is it posible she had more and they got eaten??
In the tank are guppy and neons. I think she will have more she looks just as big as she everhas is it possible that she might have more or is it all in one shot. She is still very large.
well it is posable the neons and over guppies could have eaten them.

I know some livebearers can give birth over a period of a thew days, but not shore if guppies are amoung them.

what color is her gravid spop, can you see they fry's eyes at all???

It's posible she could be contapated, but not shore the best solution for this.

sorry I could'nt help more.
It also seems that the males in the tank are chasing her around. Does this mean anything, also the 1 fry i do have looks bigger then then the ones i had from a previous female. (who had 12) but that lil guy seems to be doin well as i watched him when i fed this morning he grabbed a big flake from the bottom and was tryin to eat it all :clap:
are you really meant to turn the light off if you have fry in your tank?
no, n-less your useing some kind of heat lamp?!? ive got my lights on a 12 hr timer :D .... of corse the bulbs im useing are compact florecent<sp? my fry dont seem to mind the light at all. i wold think that the lights wold only kill the fry by makeing them more visable to the mothers and fathers causing them to be eatin not "fry" in the tank. also you shold be watching your water temps fairly closely when you have fry... too much variation in temp is bad for them.... IMO worse than light could ever be.
Now there are 2 lil guys in there. not sure if i just missed the other one or if it just came . How long can she be giving birth for?
sometimes they hide in the gravel for 3-4 hours, my 3 gupps just had about 30-35 babies but only 12 came out of hideing the first day. it was after i got off work the second day that i noticed there was alot more than 12 in my tank. i still only see about 20 at any given time and after i do a cleaning i only see like 9 or 10.... but i have alot of things for my gupps to hide in and around. have you seen any more?? :D

EDIT: if you scare you gupps atall while there giveing birth ive herd they can hold there babies for a while (Till there not stressed) and also ive herd they drop a fue and if those ones make it they drop more (not shure i can belive that) anyhow if tehy still look verry square on the bottom of there gravid you can bet youll see more in the next fue days.
Well still only 2 fry and the mother is still pretty large. I think she still has fry in her but the males i have wont leave her alone they keep chasing her. What does this mean ?
you want to have atleast 2 but preferably 3 females to each male. sorry im not going to make a long post explaining why at the moment you can look it up in the forums....... playing gta sanandreas and have to get back to the game:D
My females sometimes do this. In fact some seem to have around 10 babies and don't really shrink down at all and then 3 weeks later more come out :blink: maybe they are just big girls. Yesterday my one guppy who has been so big and I thought she was going to pop had 2 fry and then stopped. She's sitting in the plants now as massive as ever but no more as yet.

Another thing I noticed last week when one of my other girls had fry was that the males were chasing her like crazy! I have 9 adult females and 2 adult males in there but they only wanted her. I think its because they know when the fry are out she is fair game to make pregnant again and they want to be the daddy :D

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