Can you have too much filtration


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
I have 2 aqua clear 300 running on my 65 gallon as well as an under gravel filter. I know its a bit of overkill but i am just wonderin can this hurt anything?
If it was my tank I would disconnect the undergravel filter and leave the other 2 running.

Undergravel filters tend to just suck all the crap into the gravel rather than up into the filter sponges where you want it.

They do little for biological filtration in the tank, make the gravel harder to clean and as you have two established filters running in the tank i would see more advantages to disconnecting theUGF than to leaving it running... :)
As for having two AC300 in a 65g tank - it is definitely not overfiltering (close to ideal, in fact). That's just under 10x, which is what I usually recomend in most tanks. As long as you are not going with setup such as mbuna or large cichlids, your filtration should be good. But personally, I wouldn't worry about having too much filtration in this particular case... ;)
correct me if im wrong but isnt there no such thing as overfiltration ? doesnt it even its self out over time no matter how much you have (ie bacteria thrive when loads of food but as tank cleans bacteria amounts fall accordingly )
Is there such a thing as over filteration?

The way I look at it is this: The more filtration I have, the cleaner my water will be, and if I'm running a dual setup (which I do on my main tank) if one goes on the fritz, I'm not running all over God's Green Earth trying to find a filter immediately or else. :)

Just to give you an idea - I have a 75-Gallon African tank with 2 Aquaclear 500's on them, and I'm seriously thinking about upgrading my filtration to a nice and big canister. The Aquaclears are keeping up quite nicely (and I highly recommend them over any Whisper or BioWheel), but I think I'm just ready to step out of the world of Hang-On-Back filters and into the world of the all-powerful Canisters. :p

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