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  1. J

    Cycle Question

    Ok this is what is about to happen Im rescueing 2 rather large fish 10 inches each i have a 75 tank set up for now (thats been running for a year or more. i ended up changing all the water in the tank (i know mistake but it was before i knew i was gettin them ) 2 days ago never changed the media...
  2. J

    Starting A Planted Tank

    ok thanks i have a lil more research to do. This is a great start :D
  3. J

    Starting A Planted Tank

    hmmm slow day no responses :/
  4. J

    Starting A Planted Tank

    what substrate would be best to use ? Bomix playsand or black sand a bit coarser then the bomix? any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. J

    Starting A Planted Tank

    might use black sand instead of the bomix sand . Samme as whats in my pic
  6. J

    Starting A Planted Tank

    Ok so i would like to start up a tank with live plants. Nothing to fancy (to start with ). I would like to keep some low light palnts and neons. What are some plants that are hardy and low light that i can have. Tank is 35 gallon with a single life-glo bulb (20 watts) substrate is bomix sand...
  7. J

    Live Rock

    Well i was doing some maintenece on my tank today (which is currently cycling) And after movong around some rock i pulled one out and it had a bad smell to it. Is the rock rotten or just need some more curing?
  8. J


    I here lots of people testing there calcium, can some tell what and why it is important? Why is there calcium in the tank?
  9. J

    Live Rock Question

    How long does it take for live rock to die? I am thinking of having some shipped and it would take 5-6 days from packaging to recieving. The people whom to order from say its good for up to 15 days. I think they bag it and then box it. It would be for a new setup so i would be cycling with it...
  10. J

    Fluval 404 Or Rena Xp 2

    Its actually an xp2 its going on a 65 gallon tank
  11. J

    Fluval 404 Or Rena Xp 2

    Going to buy a new filter and wondered what you guys would buy rena xp2 or the fluval 404 (the fluval is 10 buck more)
  12. J

    Bamboo Shark

    Has anyone ever kept a bamboo shark? Ive read they need a min 180 gallons but has anyone kept other fish with them? Are they "very" Agrressive?
  13. J

    Ordering Live Rock Online

    Well the rock is 4.59 lb for a 65 lb box and shipping is almost $100 to my location so it is roughly $6lb. Its from JL aquatics in BC Canada
  14. J

    Ordering Live Rock Online

    Well the big thing is they want $10 a pound at my lfs and i can get it for $6 a pound online(including delivery). Big difference when i need enough for a 125 gallon tank. But my plan was to buy 65 pounds online to get up and running then pick and choose from the lfs over time and get the peices...
  15. J

    Ordering Live Rock Online

    Just wondering if this is a good or bad idea. They ship it via overnight service. Liverock is either wrapped in plastic and then put in a cardboard box or it is put in a styrofoam lined cardboard box. Some heat packs may be included depending on time of year and duration in travel. Would this...
  16. J

    Difference Between Live Rocks

    Well doing some research i have come accross different kinds of live rock. I just wanted to know is one better then the other or is it just preference to the way it Live Rock ,Fiji live Rock, Caribbean Live Rock. I know it comes from different places but is there a...
  17. J


    sorry i should have made this a little more clear. I was wondering if just the light fixture was good and i could by the bulbs at an aquarium store with the right kelvin rating. Do you think the fixtures are ok to run over top of a tank. Mine has a glass top. Can you buy 78 mm bulbs for the...
  18. J


    Lights Just wondering if they would work for corals . they are 250 watt and quite cheap Heres another link with a bit more information Lights2
  19. J

    Starting A 20 Gallon Sw Tank

    [ By Jove! I think he's got it! At last......someone sensible who listens to advice.Congratulations! You're well on your way to owning a lovely reef system :D Thank you for all the information, but i must worn you i will be asking lots of questions before i begin lol thanks everyone for...
  20. J

    Base Rock

    huh? What kinda of tips are you looking for?
  21. J

    Base Rock

    I dont mean to imply that i am looking for the "quick way" just really looking to better educate myself. Ya i was wondering to if it would be better to buy all live rock instead of base rock. When buying live rock i plan on storing it in a 35 gallon What all do i need to keep it going? My plan...
  22. J

    Base Rock

    OK lets say i have 125 gallon tank buy 65 pounds of live rock and 65 of base rock put them in my tank with only a sand bed in it how long would it take? I'm just lookin for a basic time frame as i have no idea.
  23. J

    Base Rock

    How long would it take to turn base rock into live rock? Does it help to have live rock in with it ,or will it become live rock on its own?
  24. J

    Starting A 20 Gallon Sw Tank

    Thanks for the help, but after posting and talking to pepole i think i will go ahead first with my 125 gallon. I know i will like it and get alot of enjoyment from it. So why spend the money on the 20 gallon when i can put that money towards my big tank.
  25. J

    Starting A 20 Gallon Sw Tank

    what the hell are you talkin about that made no sense whatso ever
  26. J

    Lighting For A 125 Gallon

    The guy at my LFS said i could use the 4 ft florecent lights but would need different tubes. He suggested 40 watt marine glo or power-glo. Anyone have expierence with these which is the best. I think i will go with the soft corals for now(when running) and then maybe add later if i want to go...
  27. J

    Lighting For A 125 Gallon

    (just reserching for the futre) this is what i have 6 four foot bulbs 40 watts each 4 are aqua -glo and the other 2 not sure they say plant and aquarium on them. Would this be alright for corals? or do i need different fixtures (they are shop lights) or just different bulbs. I am a newbie and...
  28. J

    Starting A 20 Gallon Sw Tank

    Ok where to start...... I am a newbie to saltwater tanks(as you will see)but I am experienced in Freshwater. My plan is to start up a 20 gallon SW tank get used to some of the maintence and other things that differ from fresh water. Then the plan gets expensive in turning my 135 fresh water into...
  29. J

    Gsp Problem

    Thanks for the information So what do you think the problem is or just a combonation of all. ps they will be in a bigger tank when they get bigger there just a couple inches now in a 3ft tank looks bare as it is. lol
  30. J

    Gsp Problem

    Ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 20-50 (not sure if i use salt water or fresh stats ) ph 7.5 sg 1.006 water change schedule is weekly bout 10% (some times every other week) tank is a 35 gallon puffers are 2 inches roughly if i could find my camera i would post a pic. hes black...
  31. J

    Gsp Problem

    One of my 3 green spotted puffers has his underside turning black and he seems to be sitting at the bottom of the tank more frequently. All water paremeters are fine and the other 2 dont seem to have any signs of illness. What could this be ?
  32. J


    Tank size 6feet by 2 feet high by 18 inches wide (125 gallon) lighting 4x's 40 watts aqua-glo (18,000 k ) I know thats just over 1 wpg so I'm not sure if thats enough for the plants i have (java fern, wysteria and a grassy looking one<-pretty sure thats the technical term for it to )
  33. J

    Looking for something to go with GSP

    Well it was cause i would like something to liven the tank up a bit not for friends lol. A 35 with 3 lil inch and a half GSP kinda looks bare was thinking some BB gobies or somethin but this is my first brackish tank and i dont know what to put with the GSP (maybe some other sort of puffer...
  34. J

    Injured ID shark

    Thanks i am aware of that!!! :P Thats why he will be in a pond when he gets bigger. some people just jump at the chance to critisize without askin questions
  35. J

    Looking for something to go with GSP

    I have 3 GSP in a 35 brackish tank. I would like something small to go with them but am unsure what else i can put in with them. Thinking of maybe a bottom dweller. Any ideas?
  36. J

    Injured ID shark

    He is just small prolly 4 inches
  37. J

    Injured ID shark

    bump any help???? :/
  38. J

    Injured ID shark

    ps I did water test and nothing from the norm :dunno:
  39. J

    Injured ID shark

    i have an Id shark that has a hole in his top fin(maybe dorsal i dunno) he had it for some time now but it looks like it might be getting bigger. I added some stress coat hoping that might help. Ive heard mela fix is good but i have a 135 gallon tank which would cost me a lot to treat the whole...
  40. J

    Peat Filter

    My LFS keeps it in stock (petcetera)in canada