Gsp Problem


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
One of my 3 green spotted puffers has his underside turning black and he seems to be sitting at the bottom of the tank more frequently. All water paremeters are fine and the other 2 dont seem to have any signs of illness. What could this be ?
Please humor us & post parameters anyway (ammonia, nitrItes, nitrAtes, pH, SG). Water change schedule? Tank & puffer size?
I got a gsp with 2 f8's right now, been about 2 years or so...

I have noticed in the last year or so, my gsp will get dark right where his color meets the white. But this is only when he's in his spot/territory. I used to change the tank around every water change, but in the last year i really haven't.

I have narrowed it down to a couple reasons. (a) he get's dark when he's sleeping or relaxing or whatever they do, but that doesn't explain why he never got dark in the first year. Unless it has something to do with the fact that I havent changed the rock config for a while. (B) He's ready for a higher salinity as he is gettiing older, possibly that stresses him and makes him turn dark. Right now I got my salinity varying from 1.005 to 1.008.
Please humor us & post parameters anyway (ammonia, nitrItes, nitrAtes, pH, SG). Water change schedule? Tank & puffer size?
Ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 20-50 (not sure if i use salt water or fresh stats )
ph 7.5
sg 1.006
water change schedule is weekly bout 10% (some times every other week)
tank is a 35 gallon puffers are 2 inches roughly

if i could find my camera i would post a pic. hes black near his tail where he should be white
Joey, Your nitrAtes are a bit high--should be <20. I agree, the GSPs should be in a higher SG by now. PH should be around 8. This is accomplished by using curshed coral or aragonite as substrate. They also should be in a much bigger tank. You'll need at least a 90g+ for them. I think my 6"er would have been happy alone in a 55g. I suggest 50% weekly water changes for these messy eaters (I do this on all my tanks) & high waste producers (in your crowded tank, 2x/week).

Nethius, Tank size, fish size, water change schedule, water parameters?
Joey, Your nitrAtes are a bit high--should be <20. I agree, the GSPs should be in a higher SG by now. PH should be around 8. This is accomplished by using curshed coral or aragonite as substrate. They also should be in a much bigger tank. You'll need at least a 90g+ for them. I think my 6"er would have been happy alone in a 55g. I suggest 50% weekly water changes for these messy eaters (I do this on all my tanks) & high waste producers (in your crowded tank, 2x/week).

Nethius, Tank size, fish size, water change schedule, water parameters?
Thanks for the information
So what do you think the problem is or just a combonation of all. ps they will be in a bigger tank when they get bigger there just a couple inches now in a 3ft tank looks bare as it is. lol
If you have a chance to check out my tanks, see how heavily decorated they are. They definately don't look empty.

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