Looking for something to go with GSP


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston Ontario Canada
I have 3 GSP in a 35 brackish tank. I would like something small to go with them but am unsure what else i can put in with them. Thinking of maybe a bottom dweller. Any ideas?
They are best kept alone. There are no bottom dwellers that are good tankmates for them. Fish do not necessarily need "friends" & are actually more personable towards their keepers as singletons.
Pufferpunk said:
They are best kept alone. There are no bottom dwellers that are good tankmates for them. Fish do not necessarily need "friends" & are actually more personable towards their keepers as singletons.
Well it was cause i would like something to liven the tank up a bit not for friends lol. A 35 with 3 lil inch and a half GSP kinda looks bare was thinking some BB gobies or somethin but this is my first brackish tank and i dont know what to put with the GSP (maybe some other sort of puffer maybe figure 8) or noting means nothing else will go with them
Thanks for the reply Puffer punk :D
I would say nothing else. Let them grow up! They DO get to be 6" long, so if you give them time, they will certasinly fill out the tank.
Joeyt66 said:
Well it was cause i would  like something to liven the tank up a bit not for friends lol. A 35 with 3 lil inch and a half GSP kinda looks bare was thinking some BB gobies or somethin but this is my first brackish tank and i dont know what to put with the GSP (maybe some other sort of puffer maybe figure 8) or noting means nothing else will go with them

I have kept Bumble Bee Gobies with mine for a couple years now. Haven't run into any issues.

Some people have has success with bumblebee and other gobies, but others have witnessed goby armageddonn.
Certainly not another species of puffer. Figure Eights are a lot smaller than GSPs and wouldn't last long against an adult specimin.

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