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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Excellent!! Thanks for the advice! I hope i manage to do this ok!
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Hehe i will. Thanks every1 for your help :thanks:
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Thanks i think i will go for deep buckets with lids lol Fish i have are listed in my sig :P im sure they will all be ok together.
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    27.5 Says on the bottom of my sig :D
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    So you would recommend buckets and not bags? They would be in a box with a lid on just not sure how i would put air in the bags cus they do this in a LFS with some special thing dont they. Maybe a bucket is best then!
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Thats the word i was looking for :rolleyes:
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Thanks clittermouse they are good ideas! I think i will get some bags from the local LFS. I have got a big polystriene (sp) box at home so that will keep the temperature in. It has a lid too. I got given that from the LFS when i bought a massive plec. Ummm yeah i might just have to take the...
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    I will remove everything from the tank except the gravel and fish and leave enough water at the bottom for them to swim in. I might have to stand in the back of the van and watch them as i dont want them swishing around too much. Or i could get some bags from a local fish shop and put them in...
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Yes i was thinking about emptying 3/4 out and leaving the fish in the water but then it takes 45 minutes to get to my new house and im worried the temperature will drop rapidly? If i leave them in a vase with the heater how do i still get them to my new house? When you buy fish from a shop they...
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    How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

    Any suggestions?? :blink: We have a big van
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    Thanks :P
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    :D Thanks for all your help! Mum put a bit more than half the dose in yesterday and today and it is getting sooo much better! Isnt affecting the betta either.
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    It has been the 5th day 2day for treatment. I am using Melafix. Half the dose. Looks like he is getting better by the day, swimming round more now, think he feels better in himself. His eye is going down slowly. How long will it take for him to get 100% better?
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    Awww thats good. I hope mine gets better :/
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    Haha maybe, it came with the starter kit. I just opened it up and thats all i can see is the black sponge, there is nothin in the top bit. Just clipped it back together and it spat loads of sh*t out :lol: Hope that clears by the morning now!
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    No its just a sponge with a hole through the middle lol, no rocks or nothing Thanks Stang u have been a great help.
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    Thanks Bubbles me 2 :D
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    This is what my mum has - second one in Not sure if that helps what sort of filter it might be?
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    No its completly black, theres no other sponge in there. it's only a small filter that came with the tank. So will this medication work with this still? Thanks for your help i will start it tomorrow :good:
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    Ok i will have to go get some stuff tomorrow for the little fella, i feel so sorry for him :sad: Ok i will do a small water change now then and see if i get a better reading tomorrow. Theres only one big sponge in the filter, it's a tiny filter so remove that?? :blink:
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    She has a 60 litre tank. I cant see how it's poor water quality because we have done a water change a week ago and all the test results i have just done are fine! We have not got a hospital tank so any other suggestions? What does a hospital tank need? Do a water change in the hospital tank...
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    Has My Betta Got Popeye?

    I have just noticed my mum's betta has a BIG eye. It is like a huge bubble and has swollen right up? Does any1 know what it could be and how do i make him better? I have just done a water test and the results are ok. Ammonia oppm, Nitrite in between 0ppm and 0.25ppm, and Nitrate 40ppm. She did...
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    Got Babies.

    Ive got 9 neon tetras and the angel aint eaten any of em, then again they would not fit in it's mouth :lol: it is not a big angel fish, only about 5cm across i would say.
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    Got Babies.

    My molly had 9 babies and now i only have 3 left. They are in the breedin net and seem to be doing ok, one is getin really big but i dont want to let them out into the big tank as im scared my angel fish might eat em. I dont think he could eat the biggest one though but if i let it out how will...
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    Pink Danio's, Are They Pregnant?

    Mmm still dont tell me alot but now i know that they scatter their eggs? They will probably get eaten by my frogs and other fish. Their tummy's are really big though. Shall i put a female in a breeding net or will she just eat her own eggs?
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    Pink Danio's, Are They Pregnant?

    Two of my pink Danio's have HUGE tummy's and near the anal its all black looking. Does any1 know anything about pink danio babies, when they drop etc... Shall i put a female in a breeding net?
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    Cleaned My Mum's 50 Litre Tank Yesterday.......

    Excellent. Thanks for your help :good:
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    Cleaned My Mum's 50 Litre Tank Yesterday.......

    Thanks Miss Wiggle my mum has just said its clearing slowly, she put some filter aid in lastnite to dont know if that should help.
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    Cleaned My Mum's 50 Litre Tank Yesterday.......

    Just done the tests. Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 5/10ppm
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    Cleaned My Mum's 50 Litre Tank Yesterday.......

    Oh i hope i havent! I just put it in the bucket and sqeezed it and gentley sweeped a toothbrush over it. Not 2 much though! I will check the water stats in a little while.
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    Cleaned My Mum's 50 Litre Tank Yesterday.......

    vacumed all the gravel, did a water change and i also took the filter out and cleaned it in the water that came out the tank then put it all back and the water went really cloudy, i thought it might of cleared up overnight but its still cloudy! Do you think my filter has broken or does it take...
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    Is It Algae?

    I have one live plant in there. She's going to not have the lights on so much, see if it helps. She isnt at work at the moment so she likes to look at them now and then during the day
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    Is It Algae?

    She's going to turn it on at 10am in the morning and turn it off at 8pm at night. See if that helps a bit.
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    Is It Algae?

    rdd1952 - Sorry it wont let me quote what you said. Yes i will do regular water changes. No the fish she has are: 1x Male Fighter, 6x Neon Tetras, 1x ADF, 2x Cory's Thanks
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    Is It Algae?

    Hi, Yeah water changes need to be done once a week dont they for a tank like my mum's. I will do that tonight and wash all the rocks and plant in the water to get rid of most of the algae. Yes i have a test kit, the tank has just recently been cycled. She has the lights on all day and most of...
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    Is It Algae?

    My mums tank has been set up about 7 weeks now and she now has fish but this brown stuff is all over the rocks, plants etc... Is it Algae? How do i get rid of it? My mum has been takin the plants and rocks out to clean it all off but it keeps coming back?
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    Any1 Know Anything On Pink Danio's

    Well i didnt know when i bought them, just thought they were rare pink fish
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    African Dwarf Frogs
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    Any1 Know Anything On Pink Danio's

    So are these Glofish ok 2 buy then?