How Do I Move A 126 Litre Tank To Our New House?

Any suggestions?? :blink:

We have a big van

Empty for a start :rolleyes:

I've just finished moving my tank over from a 80l to 100l. Was a bit nippy to do but basically all i did was drained enough out so we could lift it. Difference is your moving so i would reccomend putting the fish in a big vase or something with your heater. Set the new tank up at yuor new house a day or two before so its all ready to just put the fish in
Yes i was thinking about emptying 3/4 out and leaving the fish in the water but then it takes 45 minutes to get to my new house and im worried the temperature will drop rapidly? If i leave them in a vase with the heater how do i still get them to my new house? When you buy fish from a shop they are aloud to be in the bag for about an hour aint they? So im sure this wouldnt affect them if i just leave them in the tank?

Also what about the filter? I have an external one
Yes i was thinking about emptying 3/4 out and leaving the fish in the water but then it takes 45 minutes to get to my new house and im worried the temperature will drop rapidly? If i leave them in a vase with the heater how do i still get them to my new house? When you buy fish from a shop they are aloud to be in the bag for about an hour aint they? So im sure this wouldnt affect them if i just leave them in the tank?

Also what about the filter? I have an external one

Yeah thats an option if you dont want to empty it completely ie removing the plants & sand/gravel but you may risk spilling :unsure:

The temperature shouldnt drop too rapidly when the heater is not switched on although personally i'd try to get a converter to run the plug from the vehicles cigarette lighter as its 12v

If your only travelling 45 mins you should be ok without the pump/filter but your best be is just to try and do it as quickly as possible and get the fish back in the water asap
I will remove everything from the tank except the gravel and fish and leave enough water at the bottom for them to swim in. I might have to stand in the back of the van and watch them as i dont want them swishing around too much.

Or i could get some bags from a local fish shop and put them in bags? Like they would in a fish shop? Then i could empty all the water out the tank then and it would be lighter. But then i would have to put 100% fresh water back in and that might mess things up??

I think the temperature will be ok, like you said just get them to the new house quick!
i have been told by my lfs to bag them and put them in a box like a cool box as it will keep the tempreture better and they wont swish around to much, also you may struggle to lift your tank with the gravel in and keep it supported at the same time, you do not want to risk the glass cracking while you are moving it, as for the water you could get big containers for the water at a camping shop and once water is back up to temp pop them back in.
Thanks clittermouse they are good ideas! I think i will get some bags from the local LFS. I have got a big polystriene (sp) box at home so that will keep the temperature in. It has a lid too. I got given that from the LFS when i bought a massive plec.

Ummm yeah i might just have to take the gravel out too then. Although i have got too strong men lifting it out for me! Im sure they will be careful enough.

Can i not just put fresh water back in then with some water conditioner stuff (half tap water and half kettle water to bring it up to temp)??
Hi I agree with what's been said, when I moved my fish, I used buckets i.e the tall ones you can get or see say in garden centres, just make sure you clean them first with some of your current tank water, plus it's better and less stressful for the fish if they are in the dark like a container with a lid on it with some holes just to let the air curculate. I would also strongly suggest you remove every thing from the tank even with just alittle water in the bottom of it it will be very akward, and really not a good idea for the fish to be still in there, they will be well stressed by the time they get to there new home, a bucket with the lid on should keep the temp in ok, I used this method and only sadly lost one fish in the process and that was out of 18 large chiclids.

Hope this helps, good luck and remember to just take your time with as less movement to the fish as possible.

Hi I agree with what's been said, when I moved my fish, I used buckets i.e the tall ones you can get or see say in garden centres, just make sure you clean them first with some of your current tank water, plus it's better and less stressful for the fish if they are in the dark like a container with a lid on it with some holes just to let the air curculate. I would also strongly suggest you remove every thing from the tank even with just alittle water in the bottom of it it will be very akward, and really not a good idea for the fish to be still in there, they will be well stressed by the time they get to there new home, a bucket with the lid on should keep the temp in ok, I used this method and only sadly lost one fish in the process and that was out of 18 large chiclids.

Hope this helps, good luck and remember to just take your time with as less movement to the fish as possible.


So you would recommend buckets and not bags? They would be in a box with a lid on just not sure how i would put air in the bags cus they do this in a LFS with some special thing dont they. Maybe a bucket is best then!
well as I said it worked for me just make sure the bucket/s are deep enough, so air can get around, just punch some small air holes in the lid, you don't have to use a lid but it's good for keeping the temp in and of course the fish if any of them are jumpers !! I don't know how big your fish are so don't put too many in the same container, plus just one little point about the fish bags, it might be possible that they could split halfway through the journey now that does not even baer thinking about. End of the day it's what you feel is the right and safest way to go about it, just trying to help.
well as I said it worked for me just make sure the bucket/s are deep enough, so air can get around, just punch some small air holes in the lid, you don't have to use a lid but it's good for keeping the temp in and of course the fish if any of them are jumpers !! I don't know how big your fish are so don't put too many in the same container, plus just one little point about the fish bags, it might be possible that they could split halfway through the journey now that does not even baer thinking about. End of the day it's what you feel is the right and safest way to go about it, just trying to help.

Thanks i think i will go for deep buckets with lids lol

Fish i have are listed in my sig :p im sure they will all be ok together.

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