Is It Algae?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
My mums tank has been set up about 7 weeks now and she now has fish but this brown stuff is all over the rocks, plants etc... Is it Algae? How do i get rid of it? My mum has been takin the plants and rocks out to clean it all off but it keeps coming back?
i would start with upping your water change routine. she probably has high nitrates. have you got a test kit for your water. buying more plants can help keep algae down also.
edit; i see the algae is brown. how long are the lights on each day, brown algae is a sign that there isn't enough light. leaving the lights on longer wont stop the algae though, just makes it green!!!!
the lights need to be on for 10/12 hours a day. some turn theirs off for an hour in the middle and back on again
Brown algae is common in new tanks. Water changes, as mentioned, will help. It will usually clear up on it's own with good maintenance. Are the fish in your signature the ones in the tank?
i would start with upping your water change routine. she probably has high nitrates. have you got a test kit for your water. buying more plants can help keep algae down also.
edit; i see the algae is brown. how long are the lights on each day, brown algae is a sign that there isn't enough light. leaving the lights on longer wont stop the algae though, just makes it green!!!!
the lights need to be on for 10/12 hours a day. some turn theirs off for an hour in the middle and back on again


Yeah water changes need to be done once a week dont they for a tank like my mum's. I will do that tonight and wash all the rocks and plant in the water to get rid of most of the algae. Yes i have a test kit, the tank has just recently been cycled. She has the lights on all day and most of the night, she only really ever turns it off before she goes to bed.
rdd1952 - Sorry it wont let me quote what you said.

Yes i will do regular water changes.

No the fish she has are: 1x Male Fighter, 6x Neon Tetras, 1x ADF, 2x Cory's

She has the lights on all day and most of the night, she only really ever turns it off before she goes to bed.

theres ya problem...

get a cheap socket timer from B&Q or some where and knock the lights down to 19 hrs a day
19hrs a day??? typo i assume?!

i'd say 8-10 hrs
She's going to turn it on at 10am in the morning and turn it off at 8pm at night. See if that helps a bit.
I have timers on all my tanks. I burn for 4 hours each morning and 6 in the evening. The tanks get plenty of ambient light during the day and we're usually not home to view the tanks during the day anyway. If the plants aren't real, she really only needs the lights for viewing. The fish don't need them.
I have one live plant in there. She's going to not have the lights on so much, see if it helps. She isnt at work at the moment so she likes to look at them now and then during the day

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